Friday, February 28, 2025

U.S. EIA released its Country Analysis Brief for Angola, and it is now available!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Country Analysis Brief for Angola, so check it out on the EIA website. 

See what happened in Angola’s Analysis Brief by clicking the link: International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next hydrocarbon project!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

Have a nice and relaxing weekend! 

See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

U.S. EIA Monthly Reports for MER and Others are now available!

Happy Friday!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Energy Review & Other Reports for February 28, 2025, they are now available from the EIA website.

See what happened in the Monthly Energy Review (MER) by clicking the link: Total Energy Monthly Data - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production by clicking the link: EIA-914 monthly production report.

See what happened in the Petroleum Supply Monthly by clicking the link: Petroleum Supply Monthly - Energy Information Administration.

See how crude moved in the Monthly U.S. Movement of Crude Oil by Rail by clicking the link: U.S. Movements of Crude Oil by Rail.

See what happened in the Company Level Imports by clicking the link: Company Level Imports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

See what happened in the Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production by clicking the link: EIA-914 monthly production report.

See what happened in the Natural Gas Monthly by clicking the link: Natural Gas Monthly (NGM) - Energy Information Administration - February 2025 With Datafor December 2024.

See what happened in the Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update by clicking the link: Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out ESC’s website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your liquids or help update your equipment to reduce your emissions!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

Have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend! 

See you next week for another week of the ESC News Blog! 

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday!  We hope you are keeping warm during the cold spell we have been having!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending February 28, 2025, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened last week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened last week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened last week in Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week on the Weekly Natural Gas Dashboard by clicking the link: Natural Gas Storage Dashboard (

See what happened last week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your hydrocarbons or to update your equipment to help reduce your emissions!  Connect with us through the Blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s World Championship Bar-B-Que Contest is this weekend at NRG Park.   Here’s the link, if you’re interested: World’s Championship Bar-B-Que - Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

We hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend! 

See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Last week a new Port Commissioner was sworn in for the Port Commission of Port Houston.

Happy Thursday! 

We love a follow-up!  Back in mid-January we blogged on how the local leaders for Houston and Harris County reappointed the current chairman, Ric Campo for the Port Commission of the Port of Houston Authority.  Well, looks like a new Port Commissioner has been appointed to represent the Houston. 

Did anyone happen to receive the Port Houston’s Port Report Newsletter on February 27, 2025, their announcement titled, “Port Houston Is Strengthening Its Leadership With Key Appointments”?  In the announcement, it goes on to speak on how at the Port Commission’s Regular Meeting on February 19, 2025, they swore in Roland Garcia for a two-year term on the Port Commission of the Port of Houston Authority.  Mr. Garcia was chosen by local leaders of Houston earlier in February for the Port Commission.  Port Commissioners are appointed for unpaid two-year terms and may serve for no more than twelve years.  The Port Commissioners are the ones who set the policies and guidance for Port Houston’s administration.  Mr. Garcia will be replacing Port Commissioner, Dean Corgey, who has fulfilled the twelve-year term limits, and the Port Commission bid farewell and thank you to Mr. Corgey at the same meeting.  We would like to thank Mr. Corgey for his service and wish Mr. Garcia luck in his new position!  If you would like to read more of Port Houston’s Port Report announcement, please click the link: Feb-2025-_New-Port-Commissioner-Roland-Garcia_Final1.pdf.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read Port Houston’s announcement. **


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Enbridge’s Line 5 tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac has jumped another hurdle.

Happy Wednesday!  We hope you are enjoying the nice and warm weather!

We blogged about Enbridge’s Line 5 and its Great Lakes Tunnel back in December 2023, when they received the first of many approvals on its way to increasing their capacity.  Then, back in April 2024 Enbridge announced whom they were hiring to build their tunnel once they have received all their permits.  The $500 million project includes a tunnel which runs under the lakebed of the Straits of Mackinac where the waterway connects Lake Michigan to Lake Huron and its approval is hitting many hurdles.  The Mackinac Straights Corridor Authority (MSCA) approved Enbridge’s request for proposal (RPF) for the tunnel earlier in 2024.  Check out our Blog for more details.

Did anyone happen to see the ILTA Weekly Newsletter, February 26, 2025, they had a teaser for a reprinted article from WIZM-AM (NEWS TALK) titled, “Michigan appeals court upholds permits for Enbridge $500 million oil pipeline under Great Lakes”?  In the article, it speaks on how Enbridge Energy who had received its approvals back in 2023 from Michigan Public Service Commission to build a tunnel for a section of Line 5 under the lakebed of the Straits of Mackinac received a favorable ruling last Wednesday from Michigan’s Court of Appeals.  Michigan’s Court of Appeals found the state commission had followed protocol and considerations when it granted the permits.  Enbridge plans on constructing a tunnel approximately 4.5-miles long around its Line 5 to protect it, and this came about due to their pipeline’s protective layer has disparities and a near-miss incident happened in 2018 when an anchor hit the underwater line.  In 2018, Enbridge and Michigan’s Gov. Rick Synder’s administration worked out an accord to build a tunnel to protect the pipeline, after the near-miss incident. 

Unfortunately, this was only one of several lawsuits trying to stop the tunnel or close the pipeline down.  The environmental and tribal groups have other lawsuits pending in Michigan against Enbridge.  Unlike the preceding governor’s office, the current administration wants the 4.5 miles of Line 5 which runs under the strait to be shutdown permanently, and in 2019 they filed to remove its 1953 right-of-way agreement to run the seventy-two-year-old line under the Straits of Mackinac.  It’s currently waiting on a ruling in this case.  Even if Enbridge wins, they still need its environmental impact statement (EIS) from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and this isn’t expected to be completed until 2026, and their respective permits. They will need the approval from Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, too.  For Enbridge this is the price of doing business with all these checks, balances, and roadblocks.  Enbridge’s Line 5 is on its way to be a safer, more environmentally friendly pipeline getting the U.S. Great Lakes region much needed energy.  If you would like to read more of the WIZM-AM’s (NEWS TALK) article, please click the link:  Michigan appeals court upholds permits for Enbridge $500 million oil pipeline under Great Lakes - WIZM 92.3FM 1410AM.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!  

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read WIZM-AM’s (NEWS TALK) article. **

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Midwest Carbon Express Carbon Capture and Sequestration Pipeline is making headway!

Happy Tuesday!  We hope you had a chance to enjoy the Spring like weather, today! 

We love a follow-up.  We blogged on Summit Carbon Solutions (SCS) back in March 2023 and the hang-ups they had progressing their CO2 pipeline.  They were in the news earlier in June due to a favorable ruling from North Dakota’s Supreme Court. Then in June 2024, SCS had their construction permit application approved from the Iowa Utilities Board with stipulations including they must get North and South Dakota’s approval of the route and sites in their respective states before starting construction in Iowa as well as a few others before they issue the final permit.  Well, looks like the have progressed more on this interstate CO2 pipeline. (Check out our Blog for SCS previous progress or hiccups!)

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s OGJ Daily Update Newsletter on February 21, 2025, their article titled, “Midwest Carbon Express CO2 pipeline makes halting progress”?  The article is on Summit Carbon Solutions who has made further progress on their 2,000-mile liquified CO2 pipeline.  The Midwest Carbon Express Carbon Capture and Sequestration Pipeline has expanded since its original conception it now connects to 17 Iowa ethanol plants, so the five-state pipeline will connect at 57 different tie-in locations.  The Iowa Utilities Commission (IUC) which was the Iowa Utilities Board approved SCS’s  688 miles of multi-diameter pipeline in Iowa in June 2024.  A Summit Carbon Solutions has expanded their pipeline by 500-miles with the addition of Poet, LLC and Valero Renewable Fuels Co., LLC, and filed for additional permits with the IUC for the additional 340 miles not pat of the original pipeline, and they had more public landowner meetings for these permits.  IUC has not set the hearing date at this time for either the additional construction permits or the hazardous liquids permit.  Iowa alone will have 1,028 miles of CO2 pipeline.

SCS has made progress in the other four states.  In South Dakota, they have refiled their siting permit application after having the South Dakota Supreme Court rule against them in October 2024.   On the other hand, North Dakota PSC has granted SCS’s pipeline siting permit, nonetheless they have the stipulation South Dakota has to have granted theirs to start building the pipeline. On another high note Minnesota PUC granted their part of the SCS pipeline which connects to North Dakota with the same stipulation.  When SCS’s Midwest Carbon Express CCS Pipeline gets all its ducks in a row for the five states, the project will be built in 14 phases, and it is estimated to take 3 years and they are hoping to begin building by August 2026. 

SCS has proposed an additional pipeline called Otter Tail to Wilken CO2 Pipeline Project which is 28-miles of very small diameter pipeline which will need its own permitting and environmental review which at the end of 2024 the Minnesota application hasn’t been filed.   We wish SCS luck in getting all its rights-of-ways and permits, and its 45Z tax credits.  If you would like to check out the article from the Oil and Gas Journal, please click the link:  Midwest Carbon Express CO2 pipeline makes halting progress | Oil & Gas Journal.

Summit Carbon Solutions’ Midwest Carbon Express CCS Pipeline project is expected to cross five states and cover approximately 2,500 miles.  The pipeline will end in North Dakota where the carbon dioxide will be stored underground in geologic formations.  The Midwest Carbon Express Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Pipeline proposed route. 

Our team of experts have experience in helping you move your liquids to underground storage and navigating the permitting process, so if you would like to start a project contact us today!  Check out our website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **

Monday, February 24, 2025

The BLM held a quarterly oil and gas lease sale for federal lands in New Mexico.

Happy Monday!  Welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog!  We hope you enjoyed the lovely weather which rolled in this afternoon! 

We try to keep up on the oil and gas lease sales and ever since the change in Administration the Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management’s newsletter has been fairly quiet.  Thinking about it, so has the Department of Energy.  Well, we caught a news article on a recent oil and gas lease sale in New Mexico!

Did anyone happen to read the MSN Feed on February 24, 2025, they had an article from GlobalData titled, “BLM secures $20.67m from quarterly oil and gas lease sale”?  The article was on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) New Mexico Office latest quarterly oil and gas lease sale announced their proceeds which are $20.67 million.  The BLM’s New Mexico Office oil and gas lease sale were for 7 parcels which spanned approximately 1,317 acres in New Mexico.  The lease sales royalty rate of 16.67% will be shared by the state where production is located and the US Treasury.  The BLM’s sale is only the first step in developing oil and gas leases and this sale is helping support the new Administrations Executive Order for “Unleashing American Energy.”  The term of an oil and gas lease is ten years and may be prolonged as long as the well is producing sufficiently.   The BLM’s sales are held online through EnergyNet.  If you would like to read more of the article from GlobalData published on MSN, please click the link: BLM secures $20.67m from quarterly oil and gas lease sale.

If you would like to learn more on the BLM’s oil and gas lease sale for federal lands, please click the link: Sales.

How can we help you reduce your greenhouse gas emissions on your liquid petroleum product transportation system? We can help update your emission controls or look to see what is under your feet to help lower your emissions, contact us via email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the article on MSN. **


Friday, February 21, 2025

Spoiler Alert: Battleship Texas may have found a new home!

Happy Friday!  Hope you have been keeping warm during this cold snap!

We love a follow-up and an update, so Battleship Texas was in the news for an update on its new home once its repairs and renovations are completed and it won’t be around Pier 19 in Galveston.  Looks like special panel has a possible location!

Did anyone happen to read Chron. Gulf Coast’s Newsletter on February 21, 2025, their article titled, “Clear front-runner emerges for Battleship Texas’s new home”?  In the article, it goes on the speak about how the Galveston Wharves’ three-member Battleship Texas Ad Hoc Committee met on Wednesday, and they have decided to recommend Pier 15 for the final resting place for the Battleship Texas, after speaking with the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering, and the Galveston-Texas City Pilots.  They will be addressing the full Galveston Wharves Board at their meeting March 4, 2025, with their recommendation for the USS Texas aka Battleship Texas.  We will keep you apprised of anything else we hear.  We wish them much luck securing the Pier 15 location!  If you would like to read more of the Chron. Gulf Coast’s article, please click the link: Clear front-runner emerges for Battleship Texas's new home.

The Battleships Texas Foundation so please check their website for information on further details.  A wonderful project like the restoration of the Battleship Texas will need our help to be restored and taken care of for future generations of Americans, therefore check out their website by clicking the link: Battleship Texas Foundation.

If you would like help in looking into how to update your liquids terminal, so it runs more efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you enjoy your evening and a great weekend!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read Chron. Gulf Coast’s article. **

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Winter Propane Market Update, it is now available on their website!

 The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Winter Propane Market Update for week ending February 21, 2025, which is now available on the EIA website. 

See what happened in the Winter Propane Market Update clicking the link: Winter Propane Market Update.

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or to see what’s underneath your feet!

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  Keep Warm!

U.S. EIA released their Wholesale Electricity and Natural Gas Market Data.

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Wholesale Electricity and Natural Gas Market Data was released by February 21, 2025; it is now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened this month in the Wholesale Electricity and Natural Gas Market Data by clicking the link: U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis.

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your hydrocarbon liquid or to see what’s underneath your feet!

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  Keep Warm! 

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday!  We hope you are keeping warm during the cold spell we have been having!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending February 21, 2025, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened last week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened last week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened last week in Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week on the Weekly Natural Gas Dashboard by clicking the link: Natural Gas Storage Dashboard (

See what happened last week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your hydrocarbons or to update your equipment to help reduce your emissions!  Connect with us through the Blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

We hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!  Keep warm and be safe!

See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Brazil’s National Council for Energy Policy has accepted its invitation to become a member of OPEC+!

Happy Thursday! 

We love a follow-up!  We blogged on Brazil’s Mines and Energy Minister attending an OPEC+ meeting back on November 30, 2023, and he left with an invitation and its official documentation to join, and until now we hadn’t heard anything on the subject.  Well, I guess the papers are signed.

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on February 19, 2025, they republished an article from the Associated Press titled, “Brazil is approved to join influential OPEC+”? In the article, it goes on to speak about how on Tuesday the Brazilian National Council for Energy Policy, a government agency, accepted an invitation from OPEC+ to become a member of the prominent group as well as becoming a member of International Energy Agency and the International Renewable Energy Agency.  OPEC+ is made up of the 12 members of OPEC plus 10 members from other prominent oil producing countries.  OPEC+ tries to even out the price of oil by strategizing on if they should reduce or increase the supply by the amount they drill daily.  The Brazilian Mines and Energy Minister, Alexandre Silveira de Oliveira acknowledged they would be working together nonetheless they will not be expected to follow the daily drilling recommendations.  Brazil yields approximately 4.3 million barrels of oil a day or 4% of the world’s supply which makes them seventh on the list of oil producing exporting countries, although the U.S. is number one, and we currently supply the world with 22 million barrels a day.  In 2024, Brazilian produced oil became its number one export, and Brazil is using the money to help fund its transition to renewables or green energy.  Brazil’s National Council for Energy Policy agreed to join these agencies or groups so it would have a better understanding of emerging technology as well as a seat at the table for information.   Brazil will be holding the United Nations annual climate summit, COP30, in the Fall.  OPEC+ is currently continuing production cuts in 2025, then in April it appears they will begin increasing production according to Reuters.  If you would like to read more Associated Press’ article in The Houston Chronicle, please click the link: Brazil to join OPEC+, group of major oil-exporting nations.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week!  

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the article in The Houston Chronicle. **



Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Greater Houston Port Bureau’s Women in Maritime Winter Happy Hour is a place to mix and mingle and learn about the marine industry!

Happy Wednesday!

The Greater Houston Port Bureau’s (GHPB)Women in Maritime Happy Hour was held a few times a year in the evening at different locations around the Houston-Galveston region to give women in the maritime industry a chance to mix and mingle and learn about the industry, however last night was the last one under the Women in Maritime Happy Hour.  We’re hoping it gets rebranded, since it was a great way to learn about the maritime industry in a more relaxed setting.  

Last night, we went to the GHPB’s Women in Maritime Happy Hour which was held at East River Studio’s #1 on Clinton Drive in Houston.  GHPB’s Women in Maritime had a guest speaker, Barbara Pickering, President, Chevron Shipping.  Barbara Pickering is the newly promoted President of Chevron Shipping, and she is the first female in the history of this 130-year-old company.  Ms. Pickering was the vice president of Chevron Shipping Operations prior to her new position.  She began her career with Chevron in London in 1991.  This path had her live all around the world holding various positions including boat and fleet manager, and she worked with dry cargo (which she said was some of the hardest work she every did). She worked with the Royal Navy for 2 years where she did charges.  She has been with Chevron for 35 years and she never thought she would become president of the shipping company. She didn’t set out to reach this position in the company, nonetheless through hard work and exceling in every position she held her abilities and willingness to learn moved her higher and higher up the corporate ladder.  She said she had 3 words of advice for us:

1.     1.  Be resilient and keep going.

2.       2. Take some risks.

3.       3. Get out of your comfort zone.

Ms. Pickering believed these three things and good mentors helped her reach the position she is in now.  Ms. Pickering encouraged us to build off our experiences, take the hits and learn the lessons but keep moving forward and certainly never give up.  Every once in a while, take a risk; she found she succeeded more than she failed, nonetheless a lesson was learned no matter the outcome.  She encouraged us to excel in every position we hold and be a leader.  Use the skills we learn to help us move into our next position.  Ms. Pickering was quite the motivational speaker!

Ms. Pickering spoke highly of the GHPB and the work they accomplish.  The GHPB brings all the industries together not just the shipping but anyone who works in or around the Gulf Coast Texas Ports.  GHPB bring people together for common goal to bring success to the area.  Ms. Pickering pointed out Port Houston is Number One for waterborne tonnage which happens when industries work together.  Ms. Pickering believes groups like GHPB and their Women in Maritime group help women realize they are not alone in the maritime and its corresponding industries especially since the many of the industries are dominated by men.  It is a place to make connections.  Ms. Pickering encouraged us to go to networking events, so we could connect the dots; for example, for her operations and shipping worked together and she met many people in both.  Through networking many connections may be made to help us to succeed as well as a place to find comradery and encouragement by meeting and knowing others in the industry.    

Ms. Pickering spoke of the Imposter Syndrome which is where one feels like a phony.  She too felt like this nonetheless her previous boss told her she earned her position through her hard work!  She didn’t let her negative self-talk slow her forward progression.  She now believes the Imposter Syndrome is a way of thinking, and one needs to stop negative self-talk.  Remind yourself of all the things you accomplished along the way, and you earned your next position and don’t forget that!  Push the phony aside!

Ms. Pickering was an interesting, informative, and very encouraging to the people in the room.   We would like to thank her for her encouraging words, and we can’t wait to see what she accomplishes in her new position.

Unfortunately, this was the last GHPB’s Women in Maritime Happy Hour, if and when they come up with more opportunities to network and learn afterhours we will try and let you know.  Until then the next GHPB’s Commerce Club Luncheon is March 27, 2025, at 11 a.m.  The guest speaker at the next luncheon is Jesse Thompson, Senior Business Economist at the Houston Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.  He should give us a good talk on issues affecting the Houston and Gulf Coast economy including the energy and the maritime industry.    Please check out the website, if you would like to learn more.  March 2025 Commerce Club Luncheon - Greater Houston Port Bureau.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week! Keep warm!


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Sentinel Midstream LLC is moving its Deepwater Oil Port forward by receiving its MARAD Deepwater Port License!

Happy Tuesday!     

Well, it does appear the new administration is not wasting any time getting oil and gas projects off the ground and running.   The administration wants our country dominating the globe with our oil and gas and they are proving it by another Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) Deepwater Port license being approved.

Did anyone happen to read the gCaptain Daily Newsletter on February 18, 2025, their article titled, “MARAD Approves Texas GulfLink Deepwater Oil Port After Six-Year Review”? In the article, it spoke on how Sentinel Midstream, LLC has had their Texas GulfLink LLC (TGL) terminal deepwater port license granted.  TGL will be offshore from Brazoria County, Texas approximately 26.6 nautical miles (approximately 31 miles off the coast).  The venture includes a terminal in the Freeport Harbor and a dock at the Port Freeport Public Docks as well as a deepwater port with a permanent platform which may moor two very large crude carriers (VLCCs) at the same time with a single point mooring (SPM) buoy.  They anticipate lading rates will be 85,000 barrels per hour for a single vessel.  The venture will have 45 land miles of pipeline and a booster station. TGL had their Final Environmental Impact State (EIS) released in last summer.  This is good news for Sentinel Midstream now may decide on their final investment decisions.  This is the second deepwater port license with Enterprise Products Partners’ having their Sea Port Oil Terminal (SPOT) license approved last spring.  The reason MARAD’s Deepwater Port licensing has been so slow appears to be they are shorthanded.  Well, we wish TGL luck attaining the rest of their permits, and we can’t wait to see what they design for their deepwater terminal and its assets.  If you would like to read more of the gCaptain’s article, please click the link:   MARAD Approves Texas GulfLink Deepwater Oil Port After Six-Year Review.

If you would like help in looking into how to move your liquids and reduce your emissions, contact us via email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!

We are going to the Greater Houston Port Bureau’s Women in Maritime Happy Hour.  We are looking forward to hearing the Guest Speaker, Barbara Pickering, President of Chevron Shipping Company, LLC.  We hope to see you there!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!  Keep warm and dry looks like the weather is changing again!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the gCaptain’s article. **

Wanna help Houston’s Lamar High School Marching Band?

Hi! Help Lamar High School Marching Band!

Our previous WiddyUp! fundraiser has ended, but you can still help by helping us get ready for the 2025 Marching Band season!  

All you have to do is click the link to help our Lamar High School Band:

The Ideal Start to Our 2025 Marching Season | Donors Choose project by Mr. Seifert 

We appreciate you helping us!  Thank you! 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Commonwealth LNG exports terminal has been given a tentative greenlight by federal agencies!

Happy Monday!  Happy Presidents’ Day!  Welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog!

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s OGJ Daily Update on February 17, 2025, their article titled, “DOE OKs Commonwealth LNG exports, the first authorization since Biden admin pause”?  In the article, it speaks on how the Commonwealth LNG export terminal in Cameron Parish, Louisiana has been granted provisional approval from the U.S. Department of Energy for its exporting permit and the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has completed an outline of its Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), thus reopening its authorization procedures.  Back in July 2024, the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit stayed the Commonwealth’s LNG project’s FERC certificate until FERC had taken into account the facilities greenhouse gas emissions and climate impacts by filing a SEIS.  The final SEIS should be completed mid-2025 and the DOE final approval should follow.  The construction for the Commonwealth LNG terminal needs these two approvals to move forward.   Commonwealth LNG should have a final investment decision (FID) at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2025, and the 9.5 million tonnes/year plant should be in operation by beginning of 2029.  This is good news for the industry since this is the first export authorization since the Biden Administration paused them last year, and the new administration rescinded the pause last month.  We wish Commonwealth LNG export terminal luck in procuring speedy final approvals and starting construction.  If you would like to read more of the Oil & Gas Journal’s article, please click the link: DOE OKs Commonwealth LNG exports, the first authorization since Biden admin pause | Oil & Gas Journal.

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website or contact us via the email in the Blog, if you have a hydrocarbon liquids project you would like to see get off the ground or you would like to see what’s under your feet to help with your emissions!  

We hope you have a wonderful evening!  Keep warm!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **

Friday, February 14, 2025

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly STEO Report; it is now available on their website!

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Happy Friday!

We hope you have received and have given lots of sweets and treats today! 

We hope it’s a weekend full of love and kisses!

From Your Friends at Energy Specialists Consulting, LLC. 

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly STEO Report for week ending February 14, 2025, is now available from the EIA website. 

Check out what happened in the Monthly Short Term Energy Outlook by clicking the link: Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next hydrocarbon project to move your product or help you reduce your emissions!  You may reach us by the email in the Blog!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

Have a good weekend!  Keep safe and warm!  Happy Valentine’s Day!


U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday! 




Happy Valentine’s Day!

We hope you are getting lots of love and affection today and spreading the joy around! 

Including all the good, tasty treats!

From Your Friends at Energy Specialists Consulting, LLC.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending February 14, 2025, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened last week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened last week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened last week in Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week on the Weekly Natural Gas Dashboard by clicking the link: Natural Gas Storage Dashboard (

See what happened last week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We like to mention due to President’s Day the federal government will be closed Monday, February 17, 2025.  The EIA has sent out a notice some of the weekly reports will be released later in the week.  

We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your hydrocarbons or to update your equipment to help reduce your emissions!  Connect with us through the Blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

We hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!  Enjoy the holiday weekend with your loved one!  Happy Valentine’s Day!

See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!


Thursday, February 13, 2025

The USS John F. Kennedy has almost reached its final port of call!

Happy Thursday! 

It sure got chilly overnight, nonetheless it was a sunny pretty day as we start to prepare for Valentine’s Day! 

We would like to wish a, “Happy Galentine’s” to everyone especially the ladies and their friends! 

Did anyone see the Port of Brownsville’s Port Matters Newsletter on February 11, 2025, they had a press release titled, “Honoring a Legacy – USS John F. Kennedy Makes Final Voyage to Port of Brownsville”?

We blogged on the USS John F. Kennedy’s (CV-67) heading to its final destination to Port of Brownsville earlier this year, hence it seemed we should let you know how the journey is proceeding.  Well, it seems the journey is almost over!  Last week the aircraft carrier entered the Port of Brownsville on its way to International Shipbreaking Ltd. where it will be disassembled and salvaged.  The vessel was made with high-grade steel which should mean it has another use in its future.  The Port of Brownsville has a made a name for itself and its workforce for salvaging retired U.S. Maritime and Military vessels.  Three key ship salvaging businesses call Port of Brownsville home, and they salvage the vast majority of the U.S. Maritime and Military vessels.  If you would like to read more on the last adventure of USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) on the way to the Port of Brownsville, please click the link Honoring a Legacy: USS John F. Kennedy Makes Final Voyage to Port of Brownsville – Portof Brownsville.

We would like to say farewell to the USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67)!  We would like to thank you for protecting all which served on you and for protecting our shores and our allies’ shores from those who wished us harm! 

If you would like help in looking into how to transport and store your emissions or liquid products, contact us via the email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a great and productive rest of your week!  Keep warm!

**Disclaimer: Please see the Port of Brownsville News Release for specifics. **


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kenai Peninsula LNG terminal is going to have a new owner and a new purpose!

Blog Title: Kenai Peninsula LNG terminal is going to have a new owner and a new purpose!

Happy Wednesday!  We hope you have been able to keep dry today!  It looks like the rain has moved away nonetheless the cold air is moving in.   We’re not looking forward to it!    

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s OGJ Daily Update on February 7, 2025, their article titled, “Harvest buys Kenai LNG to repurpose as import terminal”?  In the article, it speaks on how Harvest Alaska, a subsidiary of Harvest Midstream Co., will be buying Kenai Peninsula LNG terminal and its assets from one of Marathon Petroleum Corp. (MPC), subordinate companies.  Harvest Alaska will be redeveloping the export terminal into an import regasification terminal to help bring natural gas to south central Alaska, where additional supply in needed.  The changeover of the terminal is expected to take approximately a year with the terminal being fully functional by the beginning of 2028.  

The export terminal, Kenai Peninsula LNG is located on the Cook Inlet in Alaska.  Its assets include a berth capable of loading 138,000 cubic meter LNG vessel and able to store 107,000 cubic meters of natural gas in its tanks.  Harvest Alaska will be starting a FEED study on the Kenai Peninsula LNG terminal for the changeover.  Harvest Alaska and Chugach Electric Assoc.  will be negotiating terms for them to bring in a supply LNG; they currently have one with Hilcorp Energy and their contract doesn’t end until the end of the first quarter of 2028.  MPC’s subsidiary will be getting gas for its refinery on the Cook Inlet from the Kenai Peninsula LNG Terminal.  This project is a band-aid to help south central Alaska until the decision to develop the 20-million tonne/year Alaska LNG project export terminal on the North Slope advances and becomes reality.  We wish Harvest Alaska luck and speed navigating the new administration for their redevelopment of their new import terminal!  If you would like to read more of the Oil & Gas Journal’s article, please click the link: Harvest buys Kenai LNG to repurpose as import terminal | Oil & Gas Journal.

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website or contact us via the email in the Blog, if you have a hydrocarbon liquids project you would like to see get off the ground or you would like to see what’s under your feet to help with your emissions!  

We hope you have a wonderful evening!  Keep warm!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Poseidon Project off the coast of the UK moves to the next stage.

Happy Tuesday!  We hope you have been able to keep dry today!   

In the US, there hasn’t been much going on in the carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) or at least there hasn’t been much from the Press.  The Houston CCS Alliance back on January 24, 2025, mentioned in their newsletter the 2024 Global Status of CCS Report Rundown and the status of many of the projects.  Please click the link to see the report, if you would like to see it: 2024 Global Status of CCS Report shows record number of projects in CCS pipeline,global capture capacity on track to double » Houston CCS Alliance.  

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s OGJ Daily Update on February 11, 2025, their article titled, “Perenco advances to test phase following first CO2 injections offshore UK”?  In the article, it speaks on Perenco UK, and its partner have made had a historic moment by inserting their first carbon dioxide (CO2) into an exhausted subsurface formation offshore the UK in the Perenco-operated Leman gas field.  This offshore CCS project is called The Poseidon Project, and it is a partnership between Perenco UK and Carbon Catalyst Ltd. (CCL).  The Poseidon Project was granted their carbon storage license by the North Sea Transition Authority in 2023 for the Southern North Sea sector of the UK Continental Shelf, and it was the first of its kind for the UK. 

The Poseidon Project will be depositing CO2 in exhausted oil and gas subsurface formations and brine formations, and the project is now proceeding to the next stage of their project to experiment with different pressures and temperature of CO2 to find the optimum storage conditions.  The Poseidon Project is expected to make final commitments in 2026, and it is expected to start commercial operations in 2029.  Once the project is in operation its initial CO2 rates for storage is expected to be roughly 1.5 million tonnes/year (tpy) increasing to 10 million tpy in the early 2030s and maxing out at 40 million tpy by 2040.  The Leman field is linked onshore to the PUK Bacton Terminal where it will be liquefied and transported to the injection site.  We wish them luck in finding the right circumstances to store the CO2 in their offshore project.  If you would like to read more of the Oil & Gas Journal’s article, please click the link: Perenco advances to test phase following first CO2 injections offshore UK | Oil & Gas Journal.

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website or contact us via the email in the Blog, if you have a hydrocarbon liquids project you would like to see get off the ground or you would like to see what’s under your feet to help with your emissions!  

We hope you have a wonderful evening! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **


Monday, February 10, 2025

TAMU has decided who will be showcasing their SMRs at their Rellis Campus!

Happy Monday!  Welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog!  We hope you enjoyed your weekend and the nice weather we had.  Now let’s get started.

By now you probably realize we like energy!  We wrote in regard to Texas A&M (TAMU) seeking permission to get a site permit for commercial nuclear reactors on campus from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) last year, and when they decided to accept applications for their Rellis Campus in Bryan, Texas for small module reactors (SMRs). (Check out our Blog in November 2024 for details.)    Well, a decision on who to invite to the party has been made!  

Did anyone happen to read the Houston Chronicle’s Front-Page on February 5, 2025, their article titled, “Partners picked for A&M reactors”?  In the article, it goes on to speak on how the Texas A&M University System has announced they have decided on four candidates for their Rellis Campus in Bryan, Texas for their proposed nuclear small modular reactors (SMRs).  SMRs have a smaller footprint then the 3-mile island reactors of the past, lower cost to build, and they generate up to 300 megawatts (MW) of electricity.  The four companies are two Texas companies, one California company, and one North Carolina company, and they are Natura Resources, Aalo Atomics, Kairos Power, and Terrestrial Energy. If TAMU has their commercial reactor site permit license approved, and these four companies develop a plan which benefits all, then TAMU will be advancing their goal to be on the frontline of innovation for energy!  TAMU is not a stranger to nuclear energy they have a small research nuclear generator for their nuclear engineering program, and it is the largest program in the country, thus having SMRs seem to be the next step for them.  Being a leader in innovation, TAMU has asked for $200 million from the General Fund to start preparing at the Rellis Campus to support the nuclear reactors sites in its response to help the state bring innovative nuclear ideas to Texas.    

TAMU is helping the state further its plans of bringing nuclear energy here by developing the Rellis Campus!  The State of Texas has completed a nuclear energy work group study, and they have decided what needs happen to bring it here (See our Blog last November for details). The Texas Legislature should be addressing their suggestion to create the Texas Nuclear Energy and Supply Chain Fund which proposes to help bring nuclear energy companies to Texas.  This fund like the Texas Energy Fund would be to help develop more power generation for its growing population and business infrastructure. 

Let’s speak of what the four companies have currently in the fire, and how TAMU will be helping them display their tech.   Kairos Power is the biggest of the companies, and they are building a demonstration reactor in Tennessee called, “Hermes Two” and it’s expected to be up and running by 2027.  Karios Power is considering how many to build at TAMU and their standard would be a pair of SMRs which would provide 75 MW each.  The next company is Texas’ own Natura Resources who last fall was given a permit to build a pilot reactor at Abilene Christian University.  Natura Resources is considering deploying their commercial reactor at the Rellis Campus which would have up to 100 MW of power and it would be expected to be completed in the next five years.  Another Texas company is Aalo Atomics who clients would be data centers, and their reactors would be tailored to the industry.  Currently, Aalo Atomics is advancing their design and technology of their reactor called, “Aalo-X” at the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory.  Aalo Atomics is expecting their plan to include five 10 MW reactors, and for development to take around ten years and $250 million to have at least one of these facilities at the Rellis Campus to power local data centers.  The last company is Terrestrial Energy who has been approved by Canada’s Nuclear Safety Commission in 2023 and its multi-year regulatory review of Terrestrial Energy’s IMSR plant.  Terrestrial Energy has proposed a construction plan of their commercial scale pilot facility which would have two reactors each having up to 200 MWs and it would be expected to be complete within a decade.  We wish these ambitious visionaries’ luck in powering the future!  We wish TAMU luck in bringing more power to College Station/Bryan or as we like to fondly say “Aggieland!”  If you would like to read more of the Houston Chronicle’s article, please click the link: Texas A&M picks 4 companies to build nuclear reactors at Rellis campus.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week!  

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’s article. **

Friday, February 7, 2025

U.S. EIA released its Country Analysis Brief for India, and it is now available!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Country Analysis Brief for India, so check it out on the EIA website. 

See what happened in India’s Analysis Brief by clicking the link International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next hydrocarbon project!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

Have a nice and relaxing weekend! 

See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

U.S. EIA Monthly Report for Petroleum Marketing Monthly is now available!

Happy Friday!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Marketing Monthly Report for February 2025, it is now available on the EIA website.

See what happened in the Petroleum Marketing Monthly by clicking the link: Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM) - February 2025 With Data for November 2024.

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your liquids!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

Have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!  Be safe! 

See you next week for another week of the ESC News Blog!  

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday! 

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending February 7, 2025, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened last week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened last week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened last week in Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week on the Weekly Natural Gas Dashboard by clicking the link: Natural Gas Storage Dashboard (

See what happened last week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your hydrocarbons or to update your equipment to help reduce your emissions!  Connect with us through the Blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear more on the ever-changing energy and marine industry!

We hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend! 

See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!