Happy Tuesday!
Well, it does appear the new administration is not wasting any time getting oil and gas projects off the ground and running. The administration wants our country dominating the globe with our oil and gas and they are proving it by another Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) Deepwater Port license being approved.
Did anyone
happen to read the gCaptain Daily Newsletter on February 18, 2025, their
article titled, “MARAD Approves Texas GulfLink Deepwater Oil Port After
Six-Year Review”? In the article, it spoke on how Sentinel Midstream, LLC has
had their Texas GulfLink LLC (TGL) terminal deepwater port license granted. TGL will be offshore from Brazoria County,
Texas approximately 26.6 nautical miles (approximately 31 miles off the coast). The venture includes a terminal in the Freeport
Harbor and a dock at the Port Freeport Public Docks as well as a deepwater port
with a permanent platform which may moor two very large crude carriers (VLCCs)
at the same time with a single point mooring (SPM) buoy. They anticipate lading rates will be 85,000
barrels per hour for a single vessel.
The venture will have 45 land miles of pipeline and a booster station. TGL
had their Final Environmental Impact State (EIS) released in last summer. This is good news for Sentinel Midstream now
may decide on their final investment decisions.
This is the second deepwater port license with Enterprise Products
Partners’ having their Sea Port Oil Terminal (SPOT) license approved last
spring. The reason MARAD’s Deepwater Port
licensing has been so slow appears to be they are shorthanded. Well, we wish TGL luck attaining the rest of
their permits, and we can’t wait to see what they design for their deepwater
terminal and its assets. If you would
like to read more of the gCaptain’s article, please click the link: MARAD Approves Texas GulfLink Deepwater Oil Port After Six-Year Review.
If you would
like help in looking into how to move your liquids and reduce your emissions,
contact us via email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!
We are going
to the Greater Houston Port Bureau’s Women in Maritime Happy Hour. We are looking forward to hearing the Guest
Speaker, Barbara Pickering, President of Chevron Shipping Company, LLC. We hope to see you there!
We hope you have a wonderful evening! Keep warm and dry looks like the weather is
changing again!
**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the
gCaptain’s article. **