Friday, February 21, 2025

Spoiler Alert: Battleship Texas may have found a new home!

Happy Friday!  Hope you have been keeping warm during this cold snap!

We love a follow-up and an update, so Battleship Texas was in the news for an update on its new home once its repairs and renovations are completed and it won’t be around Pier 19 in Galveston.  Looks like special panel has a possible location!

Did anyone happen to read Chron. Gulf Coast’s Newsletter on February 21, 2025, their article titled, “Clear front-runner emerges for Battleship Texas’s new home”?  In the article, it goes on the speak about how the Galveston Wharves’ three-member Battleship Texas Ad Hoc Committee met on Wednesday, and they have decided to recommend Pier 15 for the final resting place for the Battleship Texas, after speaking with the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering, and the Galveston-Texas City Pilots.  They will be addressing the full Galveston Wharves Board at their meeting March 4, 2025, with their recommendation for the USS Texas aka Battleship Texas.  We will keep you apprised of anything else we hear.  We wish them much luck securing the Pier 15 location!  If you would like to read more of the Chron. Gulf Coast’s article, please click the link: Clear front-runner emerges for Battleship Texas's new home.

The Battleships Texas Foundation so please check their website for information on further details.  A wonderful project like the restoration of the Battleship Texas will need our help to be restored and taken care of for future generations of Americans, therefore check out their website by clicking the link: Battleship Texas Foundation.

If you would like help in looking into how to update your liquids terminal, so it runs more efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you enjoy your evening and a great weekend!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read Chron. Gulf Coast’s article. **