Happy Tuesday! We hope you are staying warm and safe at home surviving the snow storm the Houston area had overnight. Did you get 2 to 3 inches, too? It ended up being a nice day when the sun came out!
Well, finally after more than a
year the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finally approved another
state. Last January they approved the
state of Louisiana to be the third state to approve permits, check out our Blog
for details. Well, the next state to
approve Class IV wells is……...West Virginia!
Did anyone
happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s Daily Update Newsletter on January
21, 2025, their article titled, “EPA grants West Virgina Class VI well primacy”? In the article, it speaks about how the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the State of West Virginia to administer permits for Class VI wells as part of
the Underground Injection Control Program last week. West Virginia will be able to administer
permits for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects with the authority
to administer Class VI wells. Class VI
wells will be the way in which these projects will inject or deposit carbon
dioxide (CO2) in geologic formations deep underground below the water table. CCS projects are a possible solution to hard
to abate industries like power plants and manufacturing as well as other
industries to reduce their emissions. West Virginia’s Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) will be where to apply for approval
for the Class VI Wells Primacy. The state has worked closely with the EPA to
design an effective program which when implemented will protect the citizens
and environment. This should give the
CCS industry in West Virginia a successful start! If you would like to read more of the Oil
& Gas Journal’s article, please click the link: EPA
grants West Virginia Class VI well primacy | Oil & Gas Journal.
Check out our
Blog on November 6, 2023, and see why the EPA is approving states therefore they may approve
their own CCS permits.
If you would
like help in looking into how to clean up your emissions and pollutants in the
transportation of your liquid product, contact us via the email in the Blog and
check out our ESC website!
We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great week! Keep Warm and Safe!
**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil
and Gas Journal’s article. **