Happy Wednesday! Well, it looks like the Houston area is thawing and life will be going back to normal tomorrow.
Well, we love to be on top of the
happenings at Port Houston and
last year they were awarded federal funds for their CLEANSTACS (Catalyzing
Lower Emissions with Alliances and New Systems in Trucking and Community
Sustainability) Program from the Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port
Facilities Grant Program! This year is
starting out well and more federal FHWA funds will be heading to help with
the changes to a clean economy and alternative refueling system.
Did anyone
happen to read the newsletter from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE)
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Technologies Office on January 15, 2025, their new release titled, “U.S.
Department of Transportation Invests $635 Million to Expand Zero-Emissions EV
Charging and Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure”? In the article, it goes on to
speak in regard to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has awarded $635
million in federal funds to advance the infrastructure of clean energy zero-emission
refueling. FHWA has picked 49 recipients for these
federal funds which will enlarge the EV charging stations and/or hydrogen and
natural gas refueling stations to 11,500 across the U.S. in 27 states, and tribal
territories. The goal is to build out around
half-million EV/alternative refueling stations by 2030. The U.S. now has 206,000 EV chargers available
due to the investment by private and government sources.
funds were divided into two branches. 42
community projects will increase the number of accessible EV charging stations with
$368 million of funds to invest, and $268 million to invest in the seven
hydrogen hubs and their connected corridors for the Alternative Fuel Corridors.
Here are a few of the projects who were
recipients of the FHWA funds. Port
Authority of Houston (Port Houston) is a recipient of $24.8 million of these
funds to help build and manage a hydrogen refueling pipeline and station for freight
vehicles at their Bayport, Texas location.
Austin Energy in Austin, Texas was awarded $15 million for their
Charging & Fueling Infrastructure Access Project. New Orleans Community Electric Vehicle
Charging (NOCEVC) Program in New Orleans, Louisiana was awarded $9.3 million
for their program. California-Nevada
Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Drayage Infrastructure Project was awarded
$55.9 million for the EV charging and hydrogen project. These awards build on the success of previous
awards and incentives made in increasing the numbers of EV and alternative
refueling stations available to the public.
We would like to congratulate Port Houston and the other awardees
on this influx of funds to make a positive change. If you would like to read more of the Hydrogen
and Fuel Cell Technology Office’s Newsletter or see the complete list of
awardees, please click the link: INVESTING IN AMERICA: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $635 Million in Awards to Continue Expanding Zero-Emission EV Charging and Refueling Infrastructure |FHWA.
If you would
like to learn more about Port Houston’s hydrogen pipeline and refueling
station, please click the link: Port-Houston-Receives-25-Million-Grant_-Final-Jan-17-2025.pdf
If you would
like better details from Port Houston on their CLEANSTACS Program;
please click the link: Port-Houston-Nearly-27M-Federal-Grant-Award_-New-Clean-Truck-Program-_-Final-002.pdf(porthouston.com).
If you would
like help in looking into how to transport your liquid product efficiently,
safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath
your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in
the Blog and check out our ESC website!
We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of
your week! See you tomorrow for another
interesting read! Keep warm!
**Disclaimer: Please see the DOE’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Technologies Office for details. **