Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Canada’s Expanded Trans Mountain Pipeline has its first crude oil tanker berthed, and once filled over 550K barrels of Canadian crude will be on its way to an Asian port.

Happy Wednesday! 

By now you know we like to follow-up on our previous blogs, and a happy ending.  The Canadian Expanded Trans Mountain Pipeline we blogged on the last five months is in the news again.  Trans Mountain Corp. who jumped hurdles to get government approval, changed the pipeline size due to the terrain as well as had supply hang-ups has made the news again this time for its pipeline filing its first vessel destined for Asia.  Check out our previous blogs for more details of the hiccups this important pipeline has endured on its journey to export Canadian crude abroad!

Did anyone happen to read the gCaptain Daily Newsletter on May 22, 2024, their article titled, “First Oil Export Cargo from Canada’s Expanded Trans Mountain Pipeline Set to Load”?  The article speaks on Canada’s Expanded Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMX) had its first commercial vessel, Dubia Angel, moored at the newly expanded Westridge Marine Terminal in Vancouver on Monday, and once ready it will load this oil tanker to export Access Western Blend (AWB) abroad.  Producer, Suncor Energy SU.TO., hired this Marshall Islands – registered vessel to export about 550,000 barrels of AWB to China.  This is great news for Canadian crude oil which will be increasing exports to the world using this Canadian port.  If you would like to read more about the Canadian Expanded Trans Mountain Pipeline’s first commercial shipment from gCaptain, please click the link: First Oil Export Cargo from Canada's Expanded Trans Mountain Pipeline Set to Load (

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We hope you have a wonderful evening! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read gCaptain’s article. **