Thursday, March 21, 2024

Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline has gotten underway for crude flowing for initial tests and completion is expected in the near future!

Happy Thursday!

By now you know we like to follow-up on our previous blogs, so the Canadian Trans Mountain Pipeline we blogged on back in January and February 2024, is in the news again.  Trans Mountain Corp. who jumped the hurdle of government approval, changes in pipeline size due to the terrain as well as supply hang-ups has made the news again this time for something positive.  Check out our blog for more details of previous hang-ups!

Did anyone happen to see the newsletter from ILTA News Plus, March 21, 2024, they had a teaser for an article reprinted from BNN titled, “Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Begins Oil Filling, Targets Full Capacity by 2025”?  The article speaks about Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline has begun initial filling tests with crude in anticipation of its expected completion in the next quarter of this year.  Canada’s Trans Mountain Corporation has been through the ringer trying to complete this important pipeline which seems to have been riddled with delays which included technical problems, supply chain hang ups, and project cost overruns.  Now they have reached the finish line and product has begun to flow for testing and they expect full capacity of 890,000 barrels per day sometime in 2025 to 2026 time period. The expansion of the pipeline which has almost tripled its original capacity is going to help their crude get into the world markets   they have a better share of the market and its bounty.  There is still some uncertainty in regard to the Trans Mountain Pipeline, and what’s next, nevertheless we should relish the first crude passing through the pipeline due to it has been a long time in the coming!  We hope the Trans Mountain Pipeline will have a smooth ride to the completion of the project!  If you would like to read more about the Canadian Trans Mountain Pipeline from BNN’s article, please click the link: Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Begins Oil Filling, Targets Full… (

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, please check us out!  Contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website and ask how we can help you!

We hope you have a wonderful evening! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the BNN’s article. **