Thursday, March 28, 2024

U.S. EIA Monthly Reports for MER is now available!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Reports for week ending March 28, 2024, is now available from the EIA website.

See what happened in the Monthly Energy Review (MER) by clicking the link: Total Energy Monthly Data - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your liquids!

Happy Easter and enjoy spending time with your family over this long weekend!  Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Thursday!  For many of us it is the end of the week, so we decided to post the EIA reports today!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending March 28, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in and around the energy and marine industry!

Happy Easter and enjoy spending time with your family over this long weekend!  Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The U.S. DOE has chosen ExxonMobil’s Baytown Carbon Reduction Project as a candidate for $332 million for federal investment.

Happy Wednesday! We have made it halfway through the week!

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s Daily Update Newsletter on March 26, 2024, their article titled, “ExxonMobil’s Baytown decarbonization plan could receive federal funding”?  In the article, it speaks about the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) made an announcement Monday, March 25thannouncing the contenders for the $6 billion for decarbonization projects allocated from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, and ExxonMobil’s Baytown olefins plant carbon reduction project made the cut and may get up to $331.9 million.  ExxonMobil plans to change the plant’s high heat-fired equipment from natural gas to clean hydrogen for use in making its product ethylene.  The new technology is expected to reduce 2.5 million tons per year (tpy) of carbon emissions which will help the air quality in the communities around the plant.  ExxonMobil’s project should make about 400 new construction jobs and apprenticeship positions additionally the current ExxonMobil ethylene plant employees will be upskilled in use of emerging clean energy (clean hydrogen) helping with the transition from oil and gas.  ExxonMobil’s updated Baytown olefins plant includes plans on helping the community by establishing three programs which will help with the transition to clean energy which include a new training center, a STEM fields learning area, and an area small enterprise development program.  In addition, their plan includes establishing a community advisory panel to aid their existing panel, so they may get input from their neighboring community because when companies and communities work together it is when progress in a promising future happens!  If you would like to read more of the Oil & Gas Journal’s article, please click the link: ExxonMobil’s Baytown decarbonization plan could receive federal funding | Oil & Gas Journal (

If you would like to read more about the awardees for the DOE’s decarbonization projects for Chemicals and Refining, please click the link: Industrial Demonstrations Program Selections for Award Negotiations: Chemicals and Refining | Department of Energy

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a productive week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Looks like the impending Methane Emission Fees are having an impact on the oil and gas industry!

Happy Tuesday!

We love a follow-up!  We spoke in our Blog about the upcoming implementation of the Methane Rules and about the impending Methane Emission Fees.  We blogged about the new tools being used for example MiQ-Highwood Index, and MethaneSat, the satellite which was sent up earlier this month.  Looks like the EPA, the public, and the environmentalists have brought their A game and now looks like the oil and gas industry sees the writing and is changing the way they handle methane and other emissions. 

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on March 25, 2024, their article titled, “’Methane police’ on patrol as scrutiny ramps up”?  The article was how flyovers by satellites, EPA hired airplanes, and other data collection tools are taking notice of the methane leaks and are reporting them, and the industry is cleaning itself up in response.  The methane police are here, and they may be overhead weekly or more often reporting what they see to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  The company has the burden of proof of proving when the release began and if they don’t have documentation to prove otherwise it is assumed the leak began 182 days before, and once the methane fee begins later this year or early 2025 this could mean millions of dollars to the company for a single well violation.  The oil and gas industry in response has been hiring their own monitoring police in regard to airplane and satellite flyovers or buying infrared cameras to help them find leaks and getting their equipment in top condition or replacing it with more modern equipment.  The companies are going over their equipment like compressors, tanks, flaring equipment, and ectara with a fine-tooth comb looking for leaks in their systems and fixing or replacing now before they’re reported, and the methane fees initiate.  In the past, companies reported methane emissions themselves to the EPA, and data collection tools were not very accurate which made the estimate of emissions based on equipment type and amount of oil or gas they produced.  It has been found this way of figuring emissions has strongly led to underestimating the amount of methane released according to the International Energy Agency.  The upcoming new world order old and new wells will be scrutinized for methane leaks by the EPA’s now being developed rules and enforced by state environmental officials which will go into effect in the coming years.  Investors of oil and gas companies have made climate change a priority and the industry has heard them and are investing in improvements as well as better leak detection.  The new equipment for monitoring for example sensors and cameras still is imperfect in collecting data, if weather isn’t ideal or it is windy, so in the near future infrared cameras used by a person is still the best way to track what’s going on.  As the industry moves forward technology should improve the accuracy of data it collects as well as improvements in equipment, and this will help climate change and our strive for net-zero.  If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article, please click the link: Oil companies ramp up monitoring as methane emission fees loom(

If you would like to see the EPA’s new Methane Rules for Oil and Gas, please click the link: EPA's Final Rule for Oil and Natural Gas Operations Will Sharply Reduce Methane and Other Harmful Pollution. | US EPA.

If you would like information about the technical and financial help offered by the Methane Emissions Reduction Program, please click the link: Financial and Technical Assistance from the Methane Emissions Reduction Program | US EPA.

If you would like to see some suggested equipment from the EPA to reduce emissions, please click the link: Methane Mitigation Technologies Platform | US EPA.

If you would like help in looking into how to reduce your methane emissions with emission controls and help with adopting best practices, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’s article. **

Monday, March 25, 2024

DOE is requesting 2 bids to help refill the SPR at Choctaw Bayou!

Happy Monday!  Welcome back to another week of ESC’s News Blog!

At this point, you know how we enjoy writing follow-ups to our Blog!  Back in January and again in February 2024, we wrote about the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) buying a total of six million barrels for the two SPR facilities in Texas for delivery this year.   This strategy which has been refilling this American asset has been done in a timely fashion and at a good price! 

Did anyone happen to see the newsletter from ILTA News Plus, March 21, 2024, they had a teaser for an announcement reprinted from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response titled, “U.S. Department of Energy Announces Two Solicitations to Purchase Oil for Strategic Petroleum Reserve Replenishment”?  In the article, it speaks about the U.S. DOE making another request for 3 million barrels of oil for either August or September delivery, and they gave notice of another request for March 21, 2024, for additional bids both to refill the Bayou Choctaw storage facility in Louisiana.  The DOE’s announcement on March 14, 2024, for request for proposals to sell them 1.5 million barrels of oil for delivery at their facility at Bayou Choctaw is due by March 26, 2024, prior to 11 a.m. Central Time.  The bid announcement for another 1.5 million barrels of oil for March 21, 2024, the delivery is for September and the bid proposal is due April 2, 2024, prior to 11 a.m. Central Time.

The DOE started making requests to refill the SPR in the second half of 2023, and they have restored 29.61 million barrels of crude to date as well as 4 million barrels of exchanged crude has been returned.  They will continue their three-part strategy to refill the SPR until they have returned to full capacity.  If you would like to read more of the DOE’s Announcement, please click the link:   U.S. Department of Energy Announces Two Solicitations to Purchase Oil for Strategic Petroleum Reserve Replenishment | Department of Energy.

If you would like to read about the SPR’s Sale and Exchange Program, please click the link: SPR Sales and Exchanges | Department of Energy.

Don’t forget ITLA’s Conference and Trade Show is coming up May 6 – 8, 2024, in Houston, Texas. If you would like more information, please click the link: ILTA2024.  We hope to see you there!

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a productive week!

**Disclaimer: Please refer to U.S. DOE’s Announcement for exact dates and times. **

Friday, March 22, 2024

U.S. EIA released its Country Analysis Briefs for Sudan and South Sudan and Regional Analysis Brief for South China Sea, are now available!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Country Analysis Brief for Sudan & Country Analysis Brief for South Sudan and South China Sea Regional Analysis Brief, so check them out on the EIA website. 

See what happened in the Iraq’s Analysis Brief by clicking the link: International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the South Sudan’s Analysis Brief by clicking the link: International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in South China Sea’s Regional Analysis Brief by clicking the link: International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you figure out the best way to move your liquid!

Have a nice and relaxing evening and weekend! 

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Report for Drilling Productivity, and it is now available on their website!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Report for the Drilling Productivity Report for week ending March 22, 2024, it is now available on the EIA website. 

See what happened in the Monthly Drilling Productivity Report by clicking the link: Drilling Productivity Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your liquid product or help you find out what’s beneath your feet!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog and hear about more interesting things which happen in the energy and marine industry!

Have a safe and relaxing weekend!

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Winter Propane Market Update, which is now available on their website!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Winter Propane Market Update for week ending March 22, 2024, which is now available on the EIA website. 

See what happened in the Winter Propane Market Update clicking the link: Winter Propane Market Update (

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or to see what’s underneath your feet!

Have a great and relaxing weekend!

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday! 

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending March 22, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleumm Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in and around the energy and marine industry!

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline has gotten underway for crude flowing for initial tests and completion is expected in the near future!

Happy Thursday!

By now you know we like to follow-up on our previous blogs, so the Canadian Trans Mountain Pipeline we blogged on back in January and February 2024, is in the news again.  Trans Mountain Corp. who jumped the hurdle of government approval, changes in pipeline size due to the terrain as well as supply hang-ups has made the news again this time for something positive.  Check out our blog for more details of previous hang-ups!

Did anyone happen to see the newsletter from ILTA News Plus, March 21, 2024, they had a teaser for an article reprinted from BNN titled, “Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Begins Oil Filling, Targets Full Capacity by 2025”?  The article speaks about Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline has begun initial filling tests with crude in anticipation of its expected completion in the next quarter of this year.  Canada’s Trans Mountain Corporation has been through the ringer trying to complete this important pipeline which seems to have been riddled with delays which included technical problems, supply chain hang ups, and project cost overruns.  Now they have reached the finish line and product has begun to flow for testing and they expect full capacity of 890,000 barrels per day sometime in 2025 to 2026 time period. The expansion of the pipeline which has almost tripled its original capacity is going to help their crude get into the world markets   they have a better share of the market and its bounty.  There is still some uncertainty in regard to the Trans Mountain Pipeline, and what’s next, nevertheless we should relish the first crude passing through the pipeline due to it has been a long time in the coming!  We hope the Trans Mountain Pipeline will have a smooth ride to the completion of the project!  If you would like to read more about the Canadian Trans Mountain Pipeline from BNN’s article, please click the link: Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Begins Oil Filling, Targets Full… (

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, please check us out!  Contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website and ask how we can help you!

We hope you have a wonderful evening! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the BNN’s article. **

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Greater Houston Port Bureau’s Women in Maritime Spring Happy Hour is a place to mix and mingle and learn about the industry!

Happy Wednesday!

The Greater Houston Port Bureau’s (GHPB)Women in Maritime Happy Hour is held a few times a year in the evening at different locations around the Houston-Galveston region to give women in the maritime industry a chance to mix and mingle and learn about the industry.  Last night, I went to the GHPB’s Women in Maritime Happy Hour which was held at WGMA’s office.  They had three speakers on this occasion, and they were James Nash of WGMA, Jessica DiGiulio of Moran Shipping Agencies, Inc. and Lindsay Hrones of Host Agency LLC.  They all spoke on the topic of “What does a Shipping Agent do?

I decided to check out the topic for the evening before the event.  What is a shipping agent and what do they do?  According to Wikipedia – (A shipping agency, shipping agent, or ship agency is the term used to refer to the appointed companies that handle operational and procedural (legal) requirements for a commercial vessel’s call at port for the purposes of cargo handling (loading/discharging), emergency calls, repairs, crew changes, or ship demolition, and protecting the general interests of their principals on behalf of ship owners, disponent owners, or charterers in an objective manner, n.d.)  Check out Wikipedia, if you would like more information, Shipping agency - Wikipedia.2023.

The first speaker was James Nash, and he is the Director of Maritime Affairs for WGMA.  He has recently been named the President of the Houston Propeller Club.  He gave a nice talk.  Mr. Nash spoke briefly about the WGMA, and how they are expanding throughout the Gulf Coast with talks in the works in Tampa Bay, Florida and Mobil, Mississippi.  He touched on our topic of being a shipping agent.  A Shipping Agent needs to be trained and there are a variety of tests and certifications needed to be one.  He ended his time with a bit about his position and most importantly he is to share information with the industry.

Our next speaker was Jesica Di Giulio, and she is the Vice President of Business Development of Moran Shipping Agencies, Inc. and she based out of the northeast.   Ms. Di Giulio is a graduate of Texas A&M University, and her interest in the marine industry started before she went to college.  Once she graduated her interest in the marine industry helped direct her to where she is now and includes her helping build a yacht for a movie and a stint in Trinidad and Tobago.  Ms. Di Giulio started as a shipping agent in the smallest port in the northeast.  In her tenure at the smallest port, she was taught how to be a good shipping vessel agent.  Her job was around the clock and 365 days a week.  The position taught her to keep good records and how to keep a schedule.  A shipping agent knows what questions to ask and who has the money and what documentation is needed.  They are the honey doers for their respective client, and they make sure their vessel’s crew get anything and everything they need include birthday cakes and a pig, if they can’t exit the vessel.   The shipping agent is the person which makes the ships journey profitable or a failure.   Ms. Di Giulio was a lively speaker who really showed her passion for the industry!

The last speaker of the night was Lindsay Hrones, and she is the Director, Processes and Systems of Host Agency, LLC.   Ms. Hrones is a graduate of Old Dominion University, and she discovered the marine industry by hap chance due to an elective course she had in college which covered the international seen.  Early in Ms. Hrones’ career around 2013 she landed a position as a shipping agent at her current company as only the third woman to be hired by them.  She learned about what it meant to be a shipping agent!  A shipping agent is the legally appointed by the ship to do their bidding and to coordinate everything.  It is a position which never sleeps and is on call 24 7.  A shipping agent is like a person doing a puzzle in the dark.  The shipping agent has to find the pieces, organize them, and then put it all together.  A shipping agent wears many hats and puts out many fires in the course of their duties and maybe help get some real fires extinguished too.  They are the conduit of the shipping industry.  Ships coming into port there may be three or four shipping agents working for the various parts like the charter, cargo, and etc.  The shipping agent is the one who makes everyone’s life easier, and gets the job done including things like unloading the cargo, unfortunately most burn out after a couple years.  A shipping agent is an exciting and demanding career which is needed in the shipping industry.  Ms. Hrones was a fun speaker with a lot to say about this exciting career choice.

The speakers were interesting and informative on the duties and responsibilities of the demanding shipping agent position and some of the things a good agent does.   They spoke about the marine industry is going to schools as early as middle school to get the next generation interested in it.  The industry is looking into starting or developing programs for the shipping agent in colleges around the area especially in school like Texas A&M University and San Jacinto College which have marine programs now.  

The GHPB’s Women in Maritime Happy Hour was an informative and fun event to attend to help us get acquainted with other women in the industry as well as learn about the different areas of the marine industry.  You should check out the next event! I had a little bird tell me the next one will be at the end of June!

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week!


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Chevron New Energies’ is going to be making green hydrogen in California.

Happy Tuesday! 

Did anyone happen to read the Market Moves Energy Newsletter on March 8, 2024, they have an article from EnergyTech titled, “Chevron Building Solar-to-Hydrogen Production Facility in California to Expand Commercial Hydrogen Adoption”?  The article speaks in regard to Chevron New Energies planning to build a 5 megawatt (MW) green hydrogen project in California’s Central Valley.  Chevron New Energies is planning on using solar power, land, and making use of wastewater from its Lost Hills Oil Field which is in Kern County in the southern end of the Central Valley in California.  They are planning a green hydrogen facility which will produce low carbon intensity (LCI) electrolytic hydrogen by electrolysis which will split water using renewable energy, and in turn they will be helping the up incoming hydrogen refueling network in California and helping with the commercialization of the industry.   If you would like to read more of EnergyTech’s article, please click the link: Chevron Building Solar-to-Hydrogen Production Facility in California to ExpandCommercial Hydrogen Adoption | EnergyTech.

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal and reduce your carbon footprint, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website for contact information!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the Energy Tech’s article. **

Monday, March 18, 2024

A WAP powered vessel’s maiden voyage has Cargill pleasantly pleased by its results!

Happy Monday and welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog!

Back in July of 2023 we spoke in our Blog about the U.N. International Maritime Organization (IMO) weeklong discussion of how the maritime industry may be able to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and they mentioned a few projects in shipping using wind assisted propulsion (WAP) technology.  Well, we read about another such project in the gCaptain Daily Newsletter on March 14, 2024, their article titled, “Wind-Assisted Propulsion Trial Off to Promising Start”.  Did you happen to see it?  The article speaks in regard to WindWings which are giant rigid sails from BAR Technologies.   WindWings were installed onto a Kamsarmax size vessel named Pyxis Ocean which is chartered by Cargill.  According to Cargill, their chartered vessel, Pyxis Ocean which is owned by MC Shipping, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corp was retrofitted with 2 rigid sails and set sail on August 2023 and in the six months they weren’t disappointed in the trial period results.  They were able to reduce daily fuel use by roughly 3 tonnes a day in well-to-wake emissions and in premium sailing conditions saved over 11 tonnes a day which have been confirmed by a third party, DNV.   Pyxis Ocean sailed on three oceans (Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific) and with the engines off were able to keep time and reduce emissions.  The WindWings, installed are 37.5 meters in height and are like large airplane wings and they are fully automated, so a crew may handle other tasks.  The WindWings, are managed by a touch panel, and a traffic light system guides the seamen on its current function and once they’re raised the sails auto-adjust to the direction of the wind by using onboard sensors.  The results of the WindWings are promising in light of the goals the IMO has put forth for the near-future and future of the shipping industry.   The next step for WAP is how will ports handle the implementation and planning for such WAP powered vessels coming to berth.  Cargill has been in touch with 250 ports to discuss their needs for the WAP powered vessels and they are looking for ways to accommodate these vessels.  If you would like to read more of gCaptain’s article, please click the link: Wind-Assisted Propulsion Trial Off to Promising Start (

If you would like to read more about the IMO’s emission goals for the shipping industry, please click the link: 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships.

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal and docks, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website for contact information!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the gCaptain’s article. **

Friday, March 15, 2024

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Report for the STEO is now available on their website!

Happy Friday!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Report for the STEO for week ending March 15, 2024, is now available from the EIA website. 

Check out what happened in the Monthly Short Term Energy Outlook clicking the link: Short-Term Energy Outlook- U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project!

Have a good and relaxing long weekend! See you next week!

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday! 

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending March 15, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in the energy industry!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is going on now and it’s the final weekend!  To check on what’s happening this weekend! Click the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The carbon capture industry is really on the move in Texas and Louisiana!

Happy Tuesday! 

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Texas Inc. Section on March 10, 2024, their article titled, “Test wells and land deals mark first leg of carbon capture race-Favorable geology, pipelines have energy firms converging in East Texas”?  The article goes on to speak about the incentivized carbon capture market which has been fueled by the Inflation Reduction Act.  The law made the industry take off because it is worth an $85 credit for every ton which is captured and stored, so if companies invested in it now, they would make a profit which wasn’t there before.  The major oil companies like Chevron, ExxonMobil, Oxy, and others have begun drilling test wells in East Texas as well as in the Gulf of Mexico which is a precursor to apply for the permits which are needed to develop a full-scale project.  In Texas and Louisiana, their geology paired with existing pipelines makes for a favorable outcome in this budding industry.   Properties in East Texas have been approached by oil and other companies big and small to buy access to the geologic formations underneath their feet.  Verde CO2 is one of the new companies getting into the new industry, and they have plans for a property in Liberty County to drill around 20 wells which will be either be an injection site well for CO2 or monitoring wells to keep an eye on plume’s movement underground as required by the company’s federal permit.  The carbon capture industry is bringing a new industry to Texas which may help us clean up the Gulf Coasts air quality as well as bring jobs for the future of the area.  If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article, please click the link: East Texas carbon storage eyed by Exxon, Oxy, more (

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal, so it runs more efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or you would like help finding out what’s beneath your feet, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is happening at the NRG Park and its worth a visit! Check out HLSR and its daily activities by clicking the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

We hope you enjoy your evening and a great rest of your week!  We are heading off to Spring Break, so we’ll see you next week for more ESC News Blog!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’ article. **


Monday, March 11, 2024

MethaneSAT has been launched into our upper atmosphere to track methane emissions!

Happy Monday!  Welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog!

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on March 6, 2024, their article titled, “Satellite to track methane leaks at drill sites”?  In the article, it goes on to speak about a satellite which was blasted into space last Monday from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.  The satellite isn’t just any satellite it is a methane hunter called MethaneSAT, and it was launched into space to hold companies, governments, and anyone in between accountable for methane emissions, and any person who is interested to know may get on its website to see what the current methane levels are anywhere.  Methane gas is more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide in the short term.  It has long been suspected companies and governments have been underreporting methane releasing into the environment, because they are allowed to self-report, but now this satellite will be able to show the specific amount and by whom due to the technology has advanced to a point in where it will be able to identify the source of a specific stream of methane.  In recent years, a couple studies have shown the discrepancies between what is being reported and what the true levels are, but the technologies were not as advanced as this new satellite.   MethaneSAT is flying about 370 miles in the thermosphere of the Earth’s upper atmosphere, and it will go around our planet fifteen times a day recording emission from everything down here in hope it will help us see the true damage of greenhouse gases.  The satellite will be another tool to help with the fight against climate change in our effort for a cleaner world.   If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article, please click the link: MethaneSat launched to 'name and shame' emissions sources (

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal, so it runs more efficiently, safely, and with less emissions, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is happening at the NRG Park and its worth a visit! Check out HLSR and its daily activities by clicking the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

We hope you enjoy your evening and a great rest of your week! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’ article. **

Friday, March 8, 2024

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Winter Propane Market Update, which is now available on their website!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Winter Propane Market Update for week ending March 8,2024, which is now available on the EIA website. 

See what happened in the Winter Propane Market Update clicking the link: Winter Propane Market Update (

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or to see what’s underneath your feet!

Have a great start to Spring Break and weekend!  See you at least a few days next week!

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday! 

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending March 8, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in the energy industry!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is going on now!  To check on what’s happening this weekend! Click the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  Spring Break is starting, so for those of you lucky to have it, enjoy your time off and the rest of you it is your warning the HLSR will be busy! See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog (at least part of the week)!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Trans Mountain Pipeline has made strides on their Mountain 3 section.

Happy Thursday!

We should mention an update to our Blogs from January 23, and February 1, 2024, which were on the status of the Canadian Trans Mountain pipeline.  Check them out, if you haven’t.

Did anyone happen to read Tank Storage News America’s Newsletter on March 1, 2024, their article titled, “Trans Mountain provides update on the Mountain 3 horizontal directional drill”?  In the article, it speaks about how Trans Mountain has had a breakthrough for their pipeline project which is supposed to be completed in the second quarter of 2024.  Trans Mountain Pipeline has been able to take out their piping from the current pullback and they are setting up the replacement pipe and once done they will coat and weld the new.  Trans Mountain has made strides close to Mountain 3 with their recently developed trap facilities which is in the Fraser Valley.  Lastly, they are welding on the Mountain 3 in the same valley.   We will keep you up to date on the progress we hear on this important pipeline as it heads towards British Columbia and completion.  If you would like to read more of Tank Storage News America’s Newsletter’s article, please click the link: Trans Mountain provides update on the Mountain 3 horizontal directional drill - Tank Storage News America.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with reduce your electricity costs, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is happening at the NRG Park and its worth a visit! Check out HLSR and its daily activities by clicking the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read Tanks Storage News America article. **

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Battleship Texas’ journey to the second phase of restoration and repairs.

Happy Wednesday! 

We felt a theme was to today’s blog.   The Battleship Texas has been in the news several times this week, so we thought it merited a blog for all the articles. 

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Front Page on March 3, 2024, their article titled, “Ready to make a splash – Battleship Texas to return to water, but its restoration is far from done.”?  In the article, it goes on the speak about how the Battleship Texas is ready to get out of the floating dry dock after 18 months of repairs and a paint job, so it resembles its World War II colors.   Battleship Texas has completed the first stage of its repairs and renovations and is ready to move to Dock F of Gulf Copper for more work on the ship and it is expected to move in the beginning of March, when the weather and the tide are just right. If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article, please click the link: How historic Battleship Texas will make its return to the water (

Let’s give some background and an update on this last of its kind dreadnought, Battleship Texas.   A dreadnought is a type of warship build before World War I.  Battleship Texas was a titan in her day and she was commissioned in 1914, and she survived two world wars.  In World War II, the ship had the numbers “35” and “Texas” on the main body or hull which have been replaced in this first round of renovations and repairs.  The battleship is 573-feet long and weighs 27,000 tons and her repairs have included approximately 700 tons of steel plate on her hull.   Her anchors have over 400 links and they weigh more than 38,000 pounds, but its motor will not be repaired, so it will never hoist the anchors again.  The State of Texas was given the ship in 1948 and we have cared for her ever since. One would expect a warship of its size to be the namesake for the great state of Texas. 

Did you read The Houston Chronicle’s Second Page on March 5, 2023, their article titled,” Battleship to return to water today”?  The article was about the Battleship Texas was returned to the water because weather and the tide were just right for the glorious ship to return to the sea starting at 3:30 a.m. and over 6 hours later she was in her new location at Gulf Copper’s Dock F.  If you would like to read The Houston Chronicle article on, please click the link: - Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions

Lastly have you read The Houston Chronicle’s Front Page on March 6, 2024, their article titled,” Battleship Texas emerges for the next step in restoration process.”?  The article is about the what’s next for the Battleship Texas now the second phase to restore her has begun after the successful move yesterday.  The tugboats moved her 2,500 feet to her next pier where they will begin working on her interior rooms then onto reinstalling her 5-inch guns, and onto replacing planks on her deck.  Her metalwork on the top part of the ship will be replaced as needed all the way to the crow’s nest.  The restoration and repairs are expected to cost $70 million, and the Battleship Texas Foundation is accepting donations, if you would like to help.   Battleship Texas will be restored, so all who visit may appreciate her and her glorious career.  If you would like to read The Houston Chronicle’s article on Microsoft Start for free; please click the link: Battleship Texas cuts through morning fog for next step in restoration process (

The buzz is Galveston may be her next home, and we have a blog about it on December 4, 2023, so check it out.  A wonderful project like the restoration of the Battleship Texas will need our help to be restored and taken care of for future generations of Americans, so check out their website by clicking the link: Battleship Texas Foundation.

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal, so it runs more efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is happening at the NRG Park and its worth a visit! Check out HLSR and its daily activities by clicking the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

We hope you enjoy your evening and a great rest of your week! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’ articles and article from The Houston Chronicle. **


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

What is white hydrogen and where do we find it?

Happy Tuesday! 

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on March 1, 2024, their article titled, “Hydrogen source is gaining attention – Trillions of tons with clean energy potential might be underground.”?  In the article, it speaks about white hydrogen or geologic hydrogen underground and the race to find it.  A little over a decade ago geologists didn’t believe there was a vast amount of white hydrogen underground, but after a find in Mali, West Africa geologists did a 180 and now believe there may be trillions of tons of it but the question is.  Is it accessible?   Last week at the U. S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee meeting the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) discussed the worldwide search for hydrogen deposits and how it may be our answer to climate goals, if we can access and release, even a meniscal amount.  White hydrogen or geologic hydrogen is naturally occurring and is formed when iron-rich rock and water have a chemical reaction with each other, and it is their byproduct which happens in subterranean of the earth.   The USGS has been green lighted to search for possible deposits of white hydrogen.   They have located two iron-rich rock deposits with one in the Atlantic off the coast between New Jersey and Georgia, and the other is in the center of the country going from Kansas to Minnesota.  USGS finds will be looked into further as well as they will continue the search for more locations.

Hydrogen has been touted as our way of cleaning up heavy industry for example steel and cement plants as well as the power sector and commercial transportation, if they switch to systems which use it instead of fossil fuels.  Currently the U.S. is investing in hydrogen facilities which will either make blue hydrogen which use natural gas, or green hydrogen which will split water both ways are neither cost effective and/or energy efficient, even if they use renewable energy.  White hydrogen holds the promise of being more cost effective and energy efficient than the way we manufacture it now and it may have less emissions! 

Currently, there are only a few companies in the U.S. searching for it, but major companies like Amazon, Shell, and others are investing in them.  Beam Earth is one of the groups looking for white hydrogen, and they are in the process of preparing to drill their first hydrogen well.   Will white hydrogen hold the key to our future and help us attain our climate objectives we strive for only time will tell! If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article, please click the link: What if all the clean hydrogen we need is already underground?(

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is happening at the NRG Park and its worth a visit! Check out HLSR and its daily activities by clicking the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’s article. **

Monday, March 4, 2024

Fervo Energy has shown improvements in drilling time and cost reduction at their Cape Station project!

Happy Monday and welcome back to another week of ESC’s News Blog!

Did anyone happen to read Tank Storage News America’s Newsletter on March 1, 2024, their article titled, “Fervo Energy drilling results show rapid advancement of geothermal performance”?  In the article, it speaks about Fervo Energy shared good news at the Stanford Geothermal Workshop earlier in February 2024.  The news they shared was their drilling time and costs have reduced at their Cape Station project in Utah which began in June 2023.  Fervo Energy’s Cape Station project has drilled one vertical and 6 horizontal wells and with each successfully completed well their drill time and their cost has fallen despite the tough terrain, and their quickest well drilled has been 21 days and costing about $4.8 million which is half the cost of the previous wells.  Horizontal drilling in high temperature and deep granite drilling has shown the steadiest decline in costs and time.  Fervo Energy has taken their successes to the modernization of drilling equipment including polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) drill bits and mud coolers as well as other advancements from modern oil and gas drilling and their ability to learn from them.   Fervo Energy’s improved efficiency and reduction of costs makes the budding geothermal industry show the bright future which is expected of it from the Department of Energy.  If you would like to read more of Tank Storage News America’s Newsletter’s article, please click the link: Fervo Energy drilling results show rapid advancement of geothermal performance - TankStorage News America.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with reduce your electricity costs, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is happening at the NRG Park and its worth a visit! Check out HLSR and its daily activities by clicking the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read Tank Storage News America's article. **

Friday, March 1, 2024

U.S. EIA Monthly Reports for MER, Petroleum & Other, Biofuels, Natural Gas, and Others are now available!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Reports for week ending March 1, 2024, all are now available from the EIA website.

See what happened in the Monthly Energy Review (MER) by clicking the link:      

See what happened in the Petroleum Marketing Monthly by clicking the link: Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM) - March 2024 With Data for December 2023 (

See what happened in the Petroleum Supply Monthly by clicking the link:

See how crude moved in the Monthly U.S. Movement of Crude Oil by Rail by clicking the     link:

See what happened in the Company Level Imports by clicking the              link:

See what happened in the Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production by clicking the link: EIA-914 monthly production report.

See what happened in the Natural Gas Monthly by clicking the link:

Check out the Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update by clicking the link:

See what happened in the Monthly Densified Biomass Fuel Report by clicking the link: U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis.

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project!

Don’t forget to check out the Houston Livestock and Rodeo by clicking the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

Have a safe and relaxing weekend!

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday! 

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending March 1, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

See what happened this week in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves (MOV) in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in the energy industry!

Don’t forget the Houston Livestock and Rodeo is going on now!  To check on what’s happening this weekend! Click the link: The Official Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Website (

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!