Monday, December 11, 2023

Wolf Carbon Solutions withdrew its CCS hub application for Illinois for now!

Happy Monday!  Welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog! 

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s Daily Update Newsletter on December 7, 2023, their article titled, “Wolf Carbon Solutions withdraws Mt. Simon CCS hub application”?  In the article, it goes on to speak about Wolf Carbon Solutions filed a motion to withdraw its application for Mt. Simon HUB carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) project with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) in November 2023.  The Mt. Simon Hub will be able to transport up to 12-million tonne-per-year (tpy) of carbon dioxide (CO2) through 280-miles of pipeline to central Illinois to be stored underground in the Mt. Simon Sandstone geological formation.  The CO2 was expected to come from ethanol plants in Clinton and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  Wolf Carbon Solutions withdrew the application to implement some suggestions from the ICC, and they expect to refile in early 2024.  If you would like to read more of the Oil & Gas Journal’s article, please click the link:   Wolf Carbon Solutions withdraws Mt. Simon CCS hub application | Oil & Gas Journal (

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a productive week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **