Thursday, December 28, 2023

The EPA has increased its enforcement of polluters in 2023 and has set goals for its future!

Happy Thursday!  It is almost the end of the week and time to celebrate the end of 2023!

Did anyone see The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on December 19, 2023, they reprinted an article from the Associated Press titled, “EPA enforcement is on the upswing. White House says”?  In the article, it speaks about how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after years of budget cuts has begun to increase the number of on-site inspections on industrial sites in an effort to help local communities and the environment.  In 2023, the EPA has begun almost 200 criminal inquiries, and has made agreements for over 1800 civil cases in an effort to protect the low-income communities around industrial areas.  The EPA has helped clean up the air from pollutants from these industrial areas by 1.84 billion pounds, and punished and were compensated by the culprits in the tune of $704 million.  In spite of years of reducing its workforce, they have been on a hiring spree and still has plans on adding another 300 enforcement positions.  David Uhlmann, EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Enforcement was confirmed this year as the Chief Enforcement Officer, and he is building the department back up to bring those who violate the law to justice.  The Enforcement Chief has set goals for his department to help fight climate change and attain environmental justice for all, and he isn’t trying force any companies to close.  If you would like to read more of Associated Press’ article, please click the link: After years of decline, the Biden administration says environmental enforcement is on the upswing | AP News.

If you would like help in looking into how to clean up your emissions and pollutants, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the Associated Press’ article. **