Monday, August 14, 2023

Will solar farms be getting ag exemptions?

Welcome back to another week on ESC News Blog!  Happy Monday!

Did anyone see The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on August 10, 2023, they reprinted an article from the Virginian-Pilot titled, “Grazing sheep grace solar farms - 1,000 consume vegetation, reducing the need for lawn mowers, other landscaping machinery in Virginia”?  In the article, it speaks about Dominion Energy’s use of sheep to maintain the land at their solar farms in Virginia which helps the land and the environment.  What they are doing is called solar grazing and it is environmentally friendly which reduces the use of landscaping machinery, but it isn’t anything new according to the American Solar Grazing Association.  Currently, Dominion Energy’s use of sheep has only reduced the use of landscaping equipment by fifty percent, but they hope in the near future for it to be seventy-five percent.  Dominion Energy’s solar farms employs about 1,000 sheep over its six locations.  Sussex Solar Farm has about 100 sheep which help maintain the 80,000 solar panels on its 216 acres site.  The sheep and solar farm help each other by the panels help shade and protect the sheep from inclement weather and sun while the sheep eat the vegetation, keep the soil healthy, and help with soil erosion, so it’s a win-win situation.  The number of sheep are determined by the size of the site, and research is still ongoing on the benefits of this relationship, but it currently it is a way to help farmers make some income.  We have heard of goats and other livestock helping clear land for parks and other sites, but this is a first for areas which produce energy.  It sounds like the wheels of capitalism working together for a common goal of a cleaner and brighter future.  If you would like to read more of article it can be viewed on PressReader, please click the link: - Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions

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We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great and productive week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the Houston Chronicle’s article on PressReader. **