Happy Tuesday!
Did anyone
happen to read Storage Terminals Magazine’s Weekly Newsletter on January
24, 2025, their article titled, “USA Bioenergy announces land purchase in Bon
Wier, Texas, for its $2.8 billion sustainable aviation fuel refinery”? In the
article, it speaks on how USA BioEnergy
has made a step toward making their sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) refinery in
Newton County, Texas closer to reality. USA
BioEnergy has purchased property in Bon Wier, Texas, and they are planning
on building a refinery which will use wood waste from sustainably sourced
forest thinnings to produce SAF and renewable naphtha. They are planning on building a 300-acre biorefinery
which is about a fifth of the property they purchased, thus they have plenty
of room to expand. USA BioEnergy
is now concentrating on the design and engineering of the refinery. Once this step is completed, it will take
around 30 to 32 months to have the refinery built and start-up completed. USA BioEnergy is expected to capture
and store over 30 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide during its 20-year agreement
with Southwest Airlines. They have
secured $150 million in funding for the facility from credits and tax
incentives supplied by state, local and federal agencies. We wish USA BioEnergy luck bringing financial
opportunities to Newton County residents and bringing more clean energy to
Texas! If you would like to
Storage Terminals Magazine Weekly Newsletter’s article, please click the
link: USA Bioenergy announces land purchase in Bon Wier, Texas, for its $2.8 billionsustainable aviation fuel refinery.
If you would
like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and
with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet
to help reduce emissions contact us via email in the Blog and check out our ESC website!
We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of
your week!
**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read Storage Terminals
Magazine’s article. **