Tuesday, October 29, 2024

PCCA is an awardee of the US EPA’s Clean Ports Program.

Happy Tuesday!  

Congratulations to the PCCA on their grant from the EPA’s Clean Ports Program!

Did anyone hear the Port of Corpus Christi announced on October 29, 2024, they are one of the awardees of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Ports Program.  The Port of Corpus Christi Authority (PCCA) released they may be getting up to $105 million from the Clean Ports Program.  The $3 billion EPA’s Clean Ports Program is designed to help ports reduce greenhouse gases with improvements to infrastructure and zero-emission port equipment in addition the money may be used for planning for reducing emissions and future weather conditions.  The PCCA is expecting the zero-emission equipment to help reduce annually approximately 186 tons of nitrous oxides, reduce carbon dioxide by 650 tons, and reduce diesel fuel use by 800,000 gallons.  PCCA and its local partners are dedicated to reducing emissions and improving the lives and health of those who live near and around the port.  The award will be approximately 70% of the budget for the PCCA and its local partners (Bay Houston Towing Company, Signet Maritime Corporation, Suderman & Young Towing Company, and Watco) for zero-emission equipment which may include 3 battery electric tugboats, 8 battery electric forklifts, 1 battery electric sweeper truck, 1 shore-power retrofit package for an existing dock, modernizing of 2 locomotives to battery electric, and 7 charging stations.  The award will help train employees with use and care of the new equipment, help with local outreach programs, and help with making a database for its emission inventories for before and after implementation.   We would like to wish them luck in reducing their emissions!  If you would like to read more of the Port of Corpus Christi’s announcement, please click the link: Port of Corpus Christi Selected by EPA as Clean Ports Program Grant Recipient - Port of Corpus Christi.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently and with less of a carbon footprint, contact us via the email in the Blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great week!