Happy Tuesday!
We hadn’t read
anything on the newly expanded Canadian Trans Mountain Pipeline since May when regulators green-lighted operations
to start, so we thought we would let you know the latest on this important
North American asset.
Did anyone
happen to read gCaptain Daily Newsletter on October 21, 2024, they
reprinted an article from Bloomberg titled, “Canadian Crude Oil Embarks on a
Rare Tanker Trip to Alaska”? The article
speaks in regard to the newly expanded Canadian Trans Mountain Pipeline and how
it has given Canadian crude more prospects aboard. The first Canadian crude in over a decade has
taken a tanker trip earlier in October to Alaska for refining at Marathon’s
Kenai refinery where the tanker delivered 466,000 barrels. The crude oil was from the Canadian oil sands
which now travels down in an expanded pipeline to Westridge Marine Terminal in
Burnaby, British Columbia (Please check out our Blog in May about further details). The expanded pipeline is a dual pipeline, and
it has raised the capacity of the pipeline to approximately 900,000 b/d by
shadowing the original line which capacity was approximately 300,000 b/d and
this has expanded the amount of Canadian heavy crude reaching the US West Coast
ports and Asia. If you would like to
read more of gCaptain’s article, please click the link: Canadian Crude Oil Embarks on a Rare Tanker Trip to Alaska.
If you would
like help in looking into how to update your liquids petroleum terminal or see
what’s under your feet to help reduce your emissions, contact us via the email
in the Blog and check out our ESC website for contact
We hope you have a wonderful evening, and a great rest of
your week!
**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the gCaptain’s
article. **