Happy Thursday!
Did anyone hear that the Port of Brownsville
announced Callan Marine Ltd. was given the contract for $104 million from the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Galveston District (SWG) for Segment B on
the Brazos Island Harbor (BIH) Channel Improvement Project early this week? Callan Marine Ltd. will be deepening Segment
B of the Brownsville ship channel by 10 feet, so it reaches a depth of 52 feet
for a 13-mile area. Callan Marine Ltd.
will be moving approximately 7,000,000 cubic yards of various substances from
the bottom of the channel and will be disposing it at Placement Area (PA)
5B. The channel deepening is expecting to
start in early October 2024, and it is expected to finish in June 2026. The BIH Segment A which was worked on starting
in late 2023 had lowered the opening of the channel to a depth of 54 feet for approximately
4.5-mile, then they are lowering the rest of Segment A to 52-feet for the next
7.5-mile. BIH Segment A will improve the
channel depth for approximately 12 miles.
This is great news for the Port of Brownsville and its future
with hosting large vessels. If you would
like to read more about the BHI Channel Improvement Project at the Port of Brownsville,
please click the link USACE Awards Contract for BIH Channel Deepening – Port of Brownsville.
If you would like to learn more
about BIH Segment A, please see our Blog back in early August 2023.
If you would like help in looking
into how to transport and store your emissions or liquid products, contact us
via the email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!
We hope you have a great and
productive rest of your week!
**Disclaimer: Please see the Port of Brownsville News
Release for specifics on this important project. **