Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Port of Brownsville announced they have apportioned funding from the Federal Community Project for their Vessel Suitability Analysis and Feasibility Project!

Happy Wednesday!

At this point, you know we like to stay on top of the happenings at the Ports in Texas.  In 2023, the Port of Brownsville was in our blog couple times for receiving good news for example when the Texas 88th Legislature awarded them money from the Maritime Infrastructure Program, or them greenlighting Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Corporation to deepen their ship channel by ten feet.  We are proud to announce more funding is coming to this growing port.    

Did anyone receive the Port of Brownsville’s Port Matters Newsletter on April 9, 2024, “Port Awarded $1.1M for Vessel Suitability and Feasibility Project”?  The Port of Brownsville announced they were awarded federal money from the Community Project Funding for the 34th Congressional District of Texas, and they will be receiving $1,116,279 to fund their Vessel Suitability Analysis and Feasibility project.  The project is an important step to look into the infrastructure of the port and what they need to do for future growth with the increasing size of vessels to be a productive and safe port.  At this time, the port has invested and is constructing a 118-acre business park, and they are dredging the Brownsville ship channel in their Brazos Island Harbor Channel Improvement Project. This additional funding is wonderful news for the Port of Brownsville, and we would like to congratulate them.  If you would like to read more of Port of Brownsville’s Press Release, please click the link: Port Awarded $1.1M for Vessel Suitability and Feasibility Project – Port of Brownsville.

If you would like help in looking into how to make improvements at your liquids terminal, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great week!