Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Port Houston’s CLEANSTACS Program has been jump started with grant funding from the U.S. DOT!

Happy Tuesday! 

Congratulations to Port Houston on being awarded federal money for the CLEANSTACS Program!

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle on April 27, 2024, their article titled, “Port Houston to get 30 electric trucks as part of federal program”?  In the article, it goes on to speak in regard to the $26.9 million of federal money awarded to Port Houston from the Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities Grant Program from the U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).  FHWA announced last week roughly 16 recipients from 11 states and U.S. territories being recipients of these grants in their first round of funding totaling $148 million.   The grants were for Port facilities to clean up emissions, use clean energy, as well as train the future workforce. 

Port Houston proposed their CLEANSTACS (Catalyzing Lower Emissions with Alliances and New Systems in Trucking and Community Sustainability) Program which is their plan to get to their goal of carbon neutral by 2050 and be a better neighbor and/or employer to their workers and the community which surrounds the port.  Port Houston is planning on using $25.1 million to buy 30 ZE short-haul trucks, 15 anti-idling devices for their existing fleet, and as well as conducting a regional truck study.  In addition, Port Houston’s project will be pairing up with the community colleges in the area to create three mechanic training courses to work on ZE trucks.  The remaining money will be used in making improvements on Jacintoport International, LLC’s operational systems at its gates to reduce wait times.  The money will be put to good use to help improve air quality, traffic, and invest in future workers for Port Houston.  If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article on Microsoft Start for free, please click the link: Port Houston awarded $26.9 million, mostly for electric trucks for cargo yard(msn.com).

If you would like more information about the awardees of the U.S. FHWA’s Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities Grant; please click the link: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $150 Million in Grants to Help Reduce Truck AirPollution Near America’s Ports | FHWA (dot.gov).

If you would like better details from Port Houston on their CLEANSTACS Program; please click the link: Port-Houston-Nearly-27M-Federal-Grant-Award_-New-Clean-Truck-Program-_-Final-002.pdf(porthouston.com).

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your liquid product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

Don’t forget ITLA’s Conference and Trade Show is coming up next week (May 6 – 8, 2024) in Houston, Texas. If you would like more information, please click the link: ILTA2024.  We hope to see you there!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week!  See you tomorrow for another interesting read!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’s article. **


Monday, April 29, 2024

Is the Galveston Bay area getting their first LNG Bunker Terminal for alternative marine fuel?

Happy Monday!  Welcome back to another week of ESC’s News Blog!

Well, it looks like the Galveston Bay area will be getting their first LNG Bunker Terminal according to the ILTA newsletter.  Did anyone happen to see the newsletter from ILTA News Plus, April 25, 2024, they had a teaser for an announcement reprinted from Rigzone titled, “Galveston LNG Files for Construction Permit in Texas”?  In the article, it speaks about Galveston LNG Bunker Port, LLC (GLBP) a newly formed joint venture has filed the necessary applications to get their proposed natural gas liquefication facility which will be located in Shoal Point in Texas City on the shores of Galveston Bay approved, built, and running.  GLBP is a joint venture joining Pilot LNG and Seapath Group; they established this new entity in September 2023.  GLBP has a vision of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker terminal which will be a local supplier of alternative marine fuel for the area to help the shipping industry meet the IMO’s goals for emissions and decarbonization.  GLBP has filed the necessary paperwork with government agencies which includes the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the US Coast Guard (USCG) in their pursuit of a small-scale LNG terminal.  The project idea which has been submitted on their application to USACE is for two natural gas liquefaction trains and a two LNG storage tanks, a feed gas pre-treatment facility, a bunker vessel loading berth, and marine loading facilities.  The GLBP will be building the project in 2 phases on about 140 acres on the southwestern shores of Galveston Bay each phase will be constructing a natural gas liquefaction train and storage tank, and the terminal is expecting to be operational by late 2026, if all government agencies give their permissions and approvals, and commercial financing has been acquired.  If you would like to read more of the reprint article from Rigzone, please click the link:   GalvestonLNG Files for Construction Permit in Texas | Rigzone.

Galveston LNG Bunker Port is having an Open House, Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Nessler Center – Captains Room in Texas City, Texas, please check out their website for more information.

You can check out our Blog in July 2023, we talk about the U.N.’s International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) meeting and their 2023 strategy updates.  Check out the 2023 IMO’s goals clicking the link: Strategic Plan for the Organization (imo.org). 

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint from your terminal, or just find out what is underneath your feet to help with your emission reduction goals, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

Don’t forget ITLA’s Conference and Trade Show is coming up May 6 – 8, 2024, in Houston, Texas. If you would like more information, please click the link: ILTA 2024.  We hope to see you there!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a productive week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the Rigzone’s article. **

***Disclaimer: Please refer to Galveston LNG Bunker Port’s website for exact dates and times. ***


Friday, April 26, 2024

U.S. EIA Monthly Reports for MER and the Heating Oil and Propane Update are now available!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Reports for week ending April 26, 2024, they are now available on the EIA website.

See what happened in the Monthly Energy Review (MER) by clicking the link: Total Energy Monthly Data - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

We thought with the cold spell up North you might be interested in Heating Oil and Propane. See what happened in this month in the Heating Oil and Propane Update by clicking the link: Heating Oil and Propane Update - Energy Information Administration (eia.gov).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your liquids or help you figure out where to send your emissions!

Join us next week for another week of ESC News Blog!  

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending April 26, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (eia.gov).

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in and around the energy and marine industry!

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!


Thursday, April 25, 2024

EPA has released their new rules for fossil fuel-fired power plants, and now the writing is on the wall!

Happy Thursday!

Well, it appears the saga which we blogged about last November for the coal-fired and natural gas power plants, and the plans the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has for them was published Thursday.   

Did anyone happen to read The Associated Press on Microsoft Start on April 25, 2024, their article titled, “Strict new EPA rules would force coal-fired power plants to capture emissions or shut down”?  In the article, it is speaking about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and their new rules which were published Thursday which address fossil fuel-fired power plants and their emissions which will affect the country’s coal and natural gas power plants. The EPA will be implementing new restrictions on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) coal and natural gas power plants may release.   With fossil fueled power plants being a major contributor to climate change the EPA has drawn a line in the sand, and these types of power plants have a D-Day of 2032 to clean up their emissions or be mothballed by 2039.  The new rule has made restrictions on the amount of carbon dioxide fossil fuel-fired power plants may release (limited to 10%) which mean they need to capture or mitigate the rest with carbon capture and/or new technologies.  The estimate of carbon emissions mitigated or captured will be 1.38 billon metric tons by 2047 which will help the environment as well as people’s health. 

The EPA’s emission power plant rule is only one of four rules which came down on Thursday to aid in cleaning up our air, land, and sea, and they have various enforcement dates.   The EPA has set restrictions on other harmful irritants such as mercury and arsenic which are released in certain types of coal-fired power plants.  Lastly, the EPA has issued rules in regard to coal-fired power plants which they need to lower toxic wastewater pollution and manage how they store their coal ash in unlined ponds.  The new rules were in response to man-made pollution and our responsibility to be good shepherds to our country and caring for our air, land, and sea.  

The new rules as well as the incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act and other laws are in response to the U.S.’s pledge to fight climate change and improve quality of life for all Americans.  The new rules have already had responses from the industry and environmentalists.  In the near future, we can see more of this saga playing out; we will keep you posted.  If you would like to read more of The Associated Press article in Microsoft Start, please click the link: Strict new EPA rules would force coal-fired power plants to capture emissions or shutdown (msn.com).

If you would like to read more details on what the EPA and their new rules to fossil fuel-fired power plants; please click the link: Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Suite of Standards to Reduce Pollution from FossilFuel-Fired Power Plants | US EPA.

Let us help you reduce your emissions by seeing what’s underneath your feet, or by transporting your emissions underground to geological formations somewhere else, we are here to help!  Contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the Associated Press’ article. **


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

DOE has plans for decarbonizing the U. S. Maritime Industry, and the agreements made at the Singapore Maritime Week will help them.

Happy Wednesday!

Back in July of 2023 we spoke in our Blog about the U.N. International Maritime Organization (IMO), and their weeklong discussion of how the maritime industry may be able to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their goals.  The Maritime Industry met for the Singapore Maritime Week to discuss their part to the solution to help reduce greenhouse gases as well as other topics of importance to the industry.  

Did anyone read gCaptain Daily Newsletter on April 20, 2024, their article titled, “U.S. Department of Energy Commits to Decarbonizing the Maritime Sector by 2050”?  The article speaks in regard to the Department of Energy (DOE) had representatives attend the Singapore Maritime Week, and they supported the net-zero emissions goals for the maritime industry to attained by 2050, and the industry discussed how they may be able to do their part to reduce greenhouse (GHG) emissions. 

The Mission Innovation: Zero-Emission Shipping Mission (ZESM) the delegates supported at the Singapore Maritime Week by revising the goals to decarbonize the maritime industry by 2030.  Some of the changes include more large international vessels will use zero-emission fuels with the goal of 600 vessels.  Infrastructure will be improved by the number of key ports who will have installed zero-emission bunkering should increase to 20.  They have made yearly goal to make 16 million metric tons of zero-emission fuel who is the alternative heavy fuel oil.   These are a few of the things they agreed to at the weeklong event.

The DOE here at home is pressing for the U.S. Maritime Decarbonization Action Plan, and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is in the works between the EERE and ABS.  This plan will aid us in our goals we agreed to at the Singapore Maritime Week and to help reach our zero-emission goals.   If you would like to read more of gCaptain’s article, please click the link: U.S. Department of Energy Commits to Decarbonizing the Maritime Sector by 2050(gcaptain.com).

If you would like to read more about the IMO’s emission goals for the shipping industry, please click the link: 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships.

If you would like to see what the DOE’s EERE has in store for the Maritime Industry, please click the link: Maritime Decarbonization | Department of Energy

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal and docks, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website for contact information!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the gCaptain’s article. **

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Looks like the Houston Ship Channel has another CCS project moving forward!

Happy Two-for-Tuesday!

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on April 19, 2024, their article titled, “Kinder Morgan gets Ship Channel land – Pipeline giant’s lease of 10,800 acres set for carbon storage projects”?  The article was on Kinder Morgan’s Energy Transitions Ventures has made an agreement on leasing from TGS Cedar Port Partners for almost 11,000 acres more importantly they will have access to caverns under TGS Cedar Port for their carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects which is near the Houston Ship Channel.  The underground caverns have the ability to hold more than 300 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), and this will allow them to have an edge due to the proximity to the Houston Ship Channel and the companies who will need their services in this ever-changing carbon neutral world.  Kinder Morgan already stores many types of things which include petroleum and its various products, and they have the skill set needed from their enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects in the Southwest to inject CO2, move it through their pipelines, so this location is the next step.  Kinder Morgan is already the leader in moving CO2 through pipelines in North America, and now they will have a hand helping to make the Houston Ship Channel carbon neutral.   If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article, please click the link: Kinder Morgan carbon storage planned for big Houston Ship Channel site(houstonchronicle.com).

Check out our Blog back in April 2023 for information on TGS Cedar Port Industrial Park, we were fortunate to hear their speaker at the Greater Houston Port Bureau’s Commerce Club Luncheon.     

Let us help you look into how to reduce your emissions by seeing what is underneath your feet, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!  See you tomorrow for another day of ESC News Blog!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’s article. **

Monday, April 22, 2024

BLM has removed acreage from future drilling in Northern Alaska’s Wilderness and the Artic Sea.

Happy Monday!  Welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog!  We hope your weekend was fun and relaxing, so let us get cracking!

On April 18, 2024, we blogged about the changes to the BLM’s Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process Rule* and how it has been unchanged for a very long time.  Now the ramifications of those changes have started to be felt around the oil and gas industry. 

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s Daily Update Newsletter on April 19, 2024, their article titled, “Biden administration places 13 million NPR-A areas off limit to drilling”?  The article speaks on the subject of newly updated rules the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released on April 12, 2024, its changes have caused removal of over 13 million acres from the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A) on its North Slope and almost 3 million acres of the Beaufort Sea in the Artic Ocean. Now that the BLM has in place its updated Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process Rule the affects are being felt in Alaska’s North Slope and Beaufort Sea, as well as other places around the country.  The updated rules have placed protection on over 41 million acres across the U.S.  The new updates will not affect leases currently being developed only future ones.  For example, ConocoPhillips’ Williow Project is still moving forward in Alaska.  The recent announcement has been met with a mixture of responses from all sides.  Stay tuned to see what happens next in this unfolding soap opera.  If you would like to read the Oil and Gas Journal’s article, please click the link: Biden administration places 13 million NPR-A acres off limits to drilling | Oil & Gas Journal (ogj.com).

* Note the newly updated Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process Rule will be published around April 24, 2024.  

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, please check us out!  Contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website and ask how we can help you!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a productive week! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **

Friday, April 19, 2024

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Report for Drilling Productivity, and it is now available on their website!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Report for the Drilling Productivity Report for week ending April 19, 2024, it is now available on the EIA website. 

See what happened in the Monthly Drilling Productivity Report by clicking the link: Drilling Productivity Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project to move your liquid product or help you find out what’s beneath your feet!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog and hear about more interesting things which happen in the energy and marine industry!

Have a safe and relaxing weekend!

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending April 19, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (eia.gov).

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in and around the energy and marine industry!

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

BLM has made new rules for drill leasing on federal lands.

Happy Thursday!  The sun is shining, and it’s turned out to be a beautiful day!  We hope you have had a chance to have lunch outside to enjoy it!

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s Daily Update Newsletter on April 15, 2024, their article titled, “US BLM boosts costs to drill on federal lands in sweeping new leasing regulations”?  The article speaks on the subject of new updated rules the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released on Friday for producers who drill on federal lands.  The Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process rule which effects federal onshore oil and gas leasing architecture which hasn’t been revised since the end of the 1980s, and the bonding levels haven’t been changed since the 1960s, and the royalty rates haven’t been raised in over a century is a win for Americans.  The changes which will be adopted will help the American people get assurances that they won’t be stuck with the cleanup once the lease has expired by increasing the minimum bond to $150,000 on the lease as well as adjusting or ridding other bonds, and it will add funds to America’s pocketbook.  The Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process should stop conjecture which will reduce leases being in locations unlikely to be developed in hopes to protect wildlife and cultural heritage sites, and the natural beauty of an area.  The increases were in regard to suggestions from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) which has been advising these changes for a long while and to honor the request from Congress.  Leasing bids for auction have been increased to $10 an acre and royalties have been increased to over 16%.  The recent changes are in hopes to protect the lands and Americans from developers as well as add funds to the American pocketbook.  If you would like to learn more about the changes read the Oil and Gas Journal’s article, please click the link: US BLM boosts costs to drill on federal lands in sweeping new leasing regulations | Oil & Gas Journal (ogj.com).

If you would like to read the BLM’s announcement, please click the link: BLM ensures fair taxpayer return, strengthens accountability for oil and gasoperations on public lands | Bureau of Land Management.

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, please check us out!  Contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website and ask how we can help you!

We hope you have a wonderful evening! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Panama Canal Authority has released a timeline and booking slots are now open for the near future due to the anticipation of the coming rainy season!

Happy Wednesday!

Well, the Panama Canal Authority released another announcement which is pretty big, so we thought we should let you know!  We know we spoke about the happenings down there yesterday, but we couldn’t resist letting the shipping industry know the good news! 

Did anyone happen to read gCaptain Daily Newsletter on April 17, 2024, their article titled, “Panama Canal Increases Booking Slots Amid Expected Rainfall”?  The article speaks in regard to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is increasing the number of vessels passing through the canal to 31 starting May 16th and they are scheduling those slots now for both the Panamax locks and the new Neopanamax locks.  With the anticipation of La Niña rainfall coming and maintenance scheduled for May 7 to May 15 which only 24 ships will come through the canal, they have announced the new normal.  ACP has let the shipping industry know June 1st ACP will increase the Neopanamax locks to 32 vessels crossing and mid-June its draft will increase to 45 feet.  La Niña brings the promise of more rainfall, and with their water reduction programs in place things are expected to return to normal slowly, and the ACP will increase the number of vessels crossing the canal and will increase the draft back to 50 feet over time.  Well, as we said this is good news for the shipping industry, and it is you wonderful to hear there is a timeline in place for the coming months.  If you would like to read more of gCaptain’s article, please click the link: Panama Canal Increases Booking Slots Amid Expected Rainfall (gcaptain.com).

We are praying for heavy rains from La Niña to start soon for the region!   

If you would like more information about these changes and to schedule, please click here for the Panama Canal Authorities website: Home - Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (pancanal.com).

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal and docks, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website for contact information!

We hope you have a wonderful evening, and a great rest of your week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the gCaptain’s article. **

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Panama Canal’s water reduction strategies have helped increase the number of vessels which pass through this important waterway, and with La Niña around the corner this may make this year end on a high note!

Happy Tuesday!

Well, you know we love to give an update on our previous blogs, so when it is good news, we can’t resist!  We blogged about the Panama Canal back in February, and how they were implementing changes and strategies due to the drought and climate change and investing in the future, and the La Niña which is expected later this month has made a difference.

Did anyone happen to read gCaptain Daily Newsletter on April 12, 2024, their article titled, “Panama Canal Plans to Normalize by 2025, Weather Permitting”?  The article speaks in regard to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is increasing the number of slots passing through the canal by 3, so at the end of March they had 27 vessels traveling through.  The ACP had implemented water reduction programs and an Operational Water Strategy, and their efforts paid off.  If the rainfall comes at the end of April from La Niña as expected, they will slowly ease up the restrictions on number of vessels and normalize to 36 a day and increase the size of the draft to a 50-foot max by 2025.  The reverse could happen, if La Niña doesn’t bring the heavy rains expected.  The ACP is looking into the future, and has implemented strategies to help now, in addition to the future with their water reduction programs and strategies.  They are looking beyond the Panama Canal Watershed and Gatun Lake to find permanent changes and have proposed to construct a new reservoir through the proper government channels and are awaiting decisions.  La Niña brings the promise of more rainfall, and their water reduction programs things may return to normal for this important waterway and we may end up having a good year after all.  If you would like to read more of gCaptain’s article, please click the link: Panama Canal Plans to Normalize by 2025, Weather Permitting (gcaptain.com).

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal and docks, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website for contact information!

We hope you have a wonderful evening, and a great rest of your week!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the gCaptain’s article. **

Monday, April 15, 2024

Looks like a new EPA rule will finally make an impact on air quality for vulnerable communities living near chemical plants!

Happy Monday and welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog!

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on April 10, 2024, their article titled, “Plants in Texas face tough rules on emissions”?  The article was on the topic of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) finalized rule, which was published Tuesday, April 9th in which chemical facilities will have to monitor the air quality around their facilities for a list of chemicals which have an adverse health effect on those living around the facility.  The list of chemicals which include 1,3-butadiene, benzene, ethylene oxide, and vinyl oxide to name a few.  The finalized rule is in an attempt to rein in air pollution and help protect the communities around chemical facilities, and it is only a part of the group of rules when combined will make a difference for those who live and work near these facilities.  The new rule will affect over 200 chemical facilities nationwide who are mostly located in Texas, Louisiana, Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky.  The newly released rule has been updated since the proposed draft, and it now includes companies receiving a longer time period to get their equipment and systems operating, and they did away with the limits on flaring chemicals to mention a couple.  The EPA believes the new rule will guard these communities and improve quality of life which many communities have been requesting in recent times.  This new clean air standard combined with the other new EPA rules is showing how this administration values both the company and the communities which surround them!  If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article for free on Microsoft Start, please click the link: Texas chemical plants face stringent EPA emissions rules (msn.com).

If you would like to see the EPA’s announcement for the new rule for Clean Air Standards for Chemical Plants, please click the link: Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Stronger Clean Air Standards for Chemical Plants, Lowering Cancer Risk and Advancing Environmental Justice | US EPA.

If you would like to see the EPA’s new rule on Chemical Plants, please click the link: Final Rule to Strengthen Standards for Synthetic Organic Chemical Plants and Polymersand Resins Plants | US EPA

Before this new EPA goes into effect, let us help you look into how to reduce your emissions, and help adopt best practices, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’s article. **

Friday, April 12, 2024

U.S. EIA released its Country Analysis Briefs for Congo-Brazzaville is now available!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Country Analysis Brief for Congo-Brazzaville, so check it out on the EIA website. 

See what happened in the Congo - Brazzaville’s Analysis Brief by clicking the link: International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you figure out the best way to move your liquid and reduce your emissions!

Have a nice and relaxing evening and weekend! 

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending April 12, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (eia.gov).

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in and around the energy and marine industry!

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Report for the STEO is now available on their website!

Happy Thursday!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Report for the STEO for week ending April 12, 2024, is now available from the EIA website. 

Check out what happened in the Monthly Short Term Energy Outlook clicking the link: Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project!

We hope to see you at the HPF and HBA's Spring Social Joint Event tonight! 

Have a good evening! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Port of Brownsville announced they have apportioned funding from the Federal Community Project for their Vessel Suitability Analysis and Feasibility Project!

Happy Wednesday!

At this point, you know we like to stay on top of the happenings at the Ports in Texas.  In 2023, the Port of Brownsville was in our blog couple times for receiving good news for example when the Texas 88th Legislature awarded them money from the Maritime Infrastructure Program, or them greenlighting Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Corporation to deepen their ship channel by ten feet.  We are proud to announce more funding is coming to this growing port.    

Did anyone receive the Port of Brownsville’s Port Matters Newsletter on April 9, 2024, “Port Awarded $1.1M for Vessel Suitability and Feasibility Project”?  The Port of Brownsville announced they were awarded federal money from the Community Project Funding for the 34th Congressional District of Texas, and they will be receiving $1,116,279 to fund their Vessel Suitability Analysis and Feasibility project.  The project is an important step to look into the infrastructure of the port and what they need to do for future growth with the increasing size of vessels to be a productive and safe port.  At this time, the port has invested and is constructing a 118-acre business park, and they are dredging the Brownsville ship channel in their Brazos Island Harbor Channel Improvement Project. This additional funding is wonderful news for the Port of Brownsville, and we would like to congratulate them.  If you would like to read more of Port of Brownsville’s Press Release, please click the link: Port Awarded $1.1M for Vessel Suitability and Feasibility Project – Port of Brownsville.

If you would like help in looking into how to make improvements at your liquids terminal, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great week!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The oil sheen spotted off the Gulf of Mexico in December its source has been repaired!

Happy Tuesday! 

By now you know we love a follow-up story.  We blogged about the original Gulf of Mexico oil spill in November then there was a secondary sheen found in December 2023.  The original who-dun-it is still under investigation, but the secondary sheen they found the culprit back in February!  The repairs have been completed and looks like there is a happy ending!

Did anyone happen to read gCaptain’s Daily Newsletter on April 9, 2024, their article titled, “Gulf of Mexico Pipeline Repaired After Mystery Oil Spill Off Louisiana”?  The article was about Unified Command signing off on the Main Pass Oil Gathering (MPOG) pipeline system testing and repairs and looks like the system will be operational again after several months being down while the November and December oil spills were under investigation.  Previous testing on the MPOG pipeline showed a faulty subsea connector, this is where pipes fuse together, and they planned to repair the problematic area.  Unified Command and MPOG designed a plan of action to change out the connector and adjoining pipe in a safe and efficient manner taking into account the environment, and they completed it by February 21.   Once the MPOG was repaired Unified Command and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) witnessed the integrity testing of the line with safety protocols in place to assure no more significant leaks and testing concluded the end of last week.  This is the end of the December oil spill with this repair and testing!  The November oil spill which an estimate 1.1 million barrels leaked is still being investigated by National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).  If you would like to read more of gCaptain’s article, please click the link: Gulf of Mexico Pipeline Repaired After Mystery Oil Spill Off Louisiana(gcaptain.com).

If you would like help in looking into how to update your terminal and pipelines, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website for contact information!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week! Keep dry!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read the gCaptain’s article. **


Monday, April 8, 2024

Enterprise Product Partners deepwater port license has been upheld by U.S. Appellate Court.

Happy Monday! Welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog! 

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s Daily Update Newsletter on April 8, 2024, their article titled, “Federal appeals court says EPP can move forward with offshore Texas oil-export terminal”?  The article speaks on the decision the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals made last week on a Petition for Review brought by several environmentalists against the Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) for their approval of Enterprise Products Partners (EPP) LP deepwater port license which was given in 2022.  MARAD gave approval for the deepwater port license of EPP’s Sea Port Oil Terminal (SPOT) off the coast of Texas back in the Fall of 2022, after a four-year environmental review.  The US Appeals Court denied the Petition for Review, and EPP may continue with its project.  This deepwater port license is just one of a series of licensing and approvals the company needs on its way to build a seaport terminal, and they have yet to release their final investment decision on the project.  EPP proposed seaport off the coast of Texas is expected to handle very large crude carriers (VLCC) which hold 2-million-bbl of liquid product, and it will be able to fill them in a day.  EPP’s SPOT will be in 115 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico, and it will be tied to the shore by two 36-in. bidirectional pipelines which tie into a 4.8-million-barrel storage facility in Brazoria County, Texas.    If you would like to read more about the U.S. federal appeals court’s decision about EPP’s SPOT from The Oil and Gas Journal, please click the link: Federal appeals court says EPP can move forward with offshore Texas oil-export terminal | Oil & Gas Journal (ogj.com).

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, please check us out!  Contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website and ask how we can help you!

We hope you have a wonderful evening! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **

Friday, April 5, 2024

U.S. EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all now available!

Happy Friday!

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending April 5, 2024, are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened This Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Weekly Update by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (eia.gov).

See what happened this week in Natural Gas Storage by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

We are always here to help you out with your next project to transport your liquid product or update your valves to motorized operating valves in your tank farm!  Connect with us through the blog email or give us a call: 281-901-5554!

Don’t forget to follow our Blog to hear about more interesting matters which happen in and around the energy and marine industry!

Have a great and relaxing weekend!  See you next week for another week of ESC News Blog!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline believes they will have crude flowing to fulfill its contracts in May 2024.

Happy Thursday! 

By now you know we like to follow-up on our previous blogs the Canadian Trans Mountain Pipeline we blogged on back in January, February, and March 2024, is in the news again.  Trans Mountain Corp. who jumped the hurdle of government approval, changes in pipeline size due to the terrain as well as supply hang-ups has made the news again this time for something positive even more positive than last month’s blog in which they were doing initial testing of the pipeline.  Check out our blog for more details of previous hiccups on this important pipeline!

Did anyone happen to read the Oil & Gas Journal’s Daily Update Newsletter on April 4, 2024, their article titled, “Trans Mountain expects commercial operation of expanded pipeline system in May”?  The article speaks on Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline is anticipating the crude will be flowing starting May 1, 2024, and they will be fulfilling their contractual obligations later in May.  Canada’s Trans Mountain Corporation has been through the ringer trying to complete this important pipeline which seems to have been riddled with delays which included technical problems, supply chain hang ups, and project cost overruns.  The pullback pipe work they were doing on the Mountain 3 HDD in British Columbia was completed at the end of March.  They are awaiting final approvals from Canada Energy Regulator (CER) and will continue to work on the pipeline until finished in spite of it all they anticipate May 1, 2024, operations will commence, and they will be at commercial capacity.  The pipeline at full capacity will be 890,000 b/d.   They will then finalize the project with cleanup as well as final improvements like road and civil work.  We hope the Trans Mountain Pipeline will have speedy final approvals and they will meet their timeline of the completion!  If you would like to read more about the Canadian Trans Mountain Pipeline from The Oil and Gas Journal, please click the link: Trans Mountain expects commercial operation of expanded pipeline system in May | Oil & Gas Journal (ogj.com).

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, please check us out!  Contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website and ask how we can help you!

We hope you have a wonderful evening! 

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Oil and Gas Journal’s article. **




Wednesday, April 3, 2024

U.S. EIA Monthly Reports for Petroleum & Other, Biofuels, Natural Gas, and Others are now available!

Happy Wednesday!  We thought with the Easter holiday weekend we should let you know what was released either Friday or the beginning of this week!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Reports for the beginning of April 2024, all are now available from the EIA website.

See what happened in the Petroleum Marketing Monthly by clicking the link: Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM) - April 2024 With Data for January 2024 (eia.gov).

See what happened in the Petroleum Supply Monthly by clicking the link: Petroleum Supply Monthly - Energy Information Administration (eia.gov).

See how crude moved in the Monthly U.S. Movement of Crude Oil by Rail by clicking the         link: U.S. Movements of Crude Oil by Rail (eia.gov).

See what happened in the Company Level Imports by clicking the link: Company Level Imports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production by clicking the link: EIA-914 monthly production report.

See what happened in the Natural Gas Monthly by clicking the link: Natural Gas Monthly (NGM) - Energy Information Administration - January 2024 With Datafor March 2024 (eia.gov).

See what happened in the Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update by clicking the link: Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Monthly Densified Biomass Fuel Report by clicking the link: U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis.

The EIA has updated their State Energy Data System (SEDS) for Hydrocarbons Gas Liquids through 2022: U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis.

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!  We are always here to help you out with your next project!

Have a relaxing evening!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

U.S. BLM has updated their rules for Waste Prevention of natural gas on U.S. public and tribal lands.

Happy Tuesday!

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on March 29, 2024, their article titled, “Rule targets flaring of natural gas – Regulation orders companies on U.S. land to take ‘reasonable steps’ against waste”?  The article was in regard to an announcement the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) made last week for companies who are drilling on public and tribal lands will have to take ‘reasonable steps’ to stop flaring or allowing leaks of natural gas by either repairing, using any reasonable best practice, or by using new technology, or they will have to pay royalties on the ‘avoidable losses’ of natural gas.  This is the first time in over forty-years the law has been updated.  It is expected to reduce emissions and bring in an additional approximately $50 million to the American Taxpayer.   This Waste Prevention Rule goes in line with the current administrations goal of reducing emissions in the Oil and Gas industry.   If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article for free on Microsoft Start, please click the link: BLM orders oil companies to curb flaring, venting on federal lands (msn.com).

If you would like to see the announcement from the BLM, please click the link: Interior Department finalizes rule to reduce oil and gas waste on public and Triballands | Bureau of Land Management (blm.gov).

If you would like information about the final rule for Waste Prevention from the BLM, please click the link: Waste Prevention Rule |Bureau of Land Management (blm.gov).

If you would like help in looking into how to reduce your emissions and help with adopting best practices, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’s article. **

Monday, April 1, 2024

BOEM has announced next phase of OSC for its proposed Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale 262, 263, and 264.

Happy Monday and welcome back to another week of ESC News Blog.

Back is October we blogged about the U. S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced their 60-day comment period opening for their proposed National OSC Program’s Final Program and Final EIS.  Well, the BOEM on Friday, March 29, 2024, announced, “BOEM Announces Next Steps in National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.” After taking into consideration the comments from the public, they have identified an area in the Gulf of Mexico.  On April 1, 2024, in the Federal Register the BOEM will post the Notice of Availability of the Area (Area ID) for proposed Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Oil and Gas Lease Sales 262, 263, and 264.  Looks like the Lease Sale 262 should be scheduled for 2025.  The BOEM notes this isn’t a guarantee of the lease sale or area only they are acknowledging the areas of interest from the October 2, 2023, call for areas of interest the GOM and they are beginning the next stage.   The BOEM has some additional steps to give final approval of the 262-sale leasing area. If you would like to read more, please click the link: 2024-2029 GOM Area Identification | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (boem.gov)

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product efficiently, safely, and with less of a carbon footprint, contact us via email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening and a great rest of your week!