Wednesday, January 10, 2024

City of Midland challenged permits for disposal wells near its drinking water supply, and they have worked out a solution to keep it safe!

Happy Wednesday!

We like to do follow-up of our blog, if new information comes to light.  We wrote about the City of Midland challenging wastewater drilling permits back on November 29, 2023, so please check it out.  The City has agreed to a compromise which is a win-win for both parties!  

Did anyone happen to read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on January 6, 2024, their article titled, “Midland, Pilot settle their dispute over oil field waste near city’s water source”?  The article was about how the City of Midland had received approval from the Texas Railroad Commission to challenge drilling permits, and they put the ability to good use by challenging Pilot Water Solutions.  Pilot Water Solutions wanted to put its saltwater disposal wells near T-Bar Ranch where the city receives 30% of its drinking water. 

Good news is the two have found a mutual agreement where it’s a win for both parties! The parties agreed to a new measure of safety for water disposal which is especially important now there are more strong seismic activities happening in the region.  Pilot Water Solutions worked with Midland’s engineers and hydrologists, and they came up with a system where monitoring wells will be placed in key positions near the disposal wells where Midland will test weekly to ensure they have good drinking water and no leaking.   Pilot Water Solution’s will have additional layers of cement and steel as well as rules for automatic shut-off.  Midland will test its water daily as another precaution.  The two agreed not to have certain disposal wells and to plug two disposal wells closest to its water supply, however Pilot will be able to drill wells west of Midland’s water supply in an area of no value to them.   The new measure and compromises show when government and the private sector work together a solution can be found.  If you would like to read more of The Houston Chronicle’s article, please click the link: Midland settles oilfield wastewater concerns near city water source(

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We hope you have a wonderful evening!  

**Disclaimer: You may be charged a fee to read The Houston Chronicle’s article. **