Thursday, November 2, 2023

U.S. Midwest CCUS pipeline is another casualty of the pipeline wars!

Happy Thursday! 

Did anyone catch our Blog back at the end of March 2023, in which we wrote about how the CO2 pipelines in the Midwest were having hang-ups very similar to the ones oil and gas pipelines are prone to having?  They were trying to move a product and things weren’t going their way!  The Midwest Carbon Express Pipeline which is mentioned in that article is still in the books at this time with expected completion in 2026.  We are talking about another CO2 pipeline which was being developed in the Midwest.  The Heartland Greenway CCUS pipeline project looks like it is another causality in the war on pipelines in the U.S. 

Did anyone see the Oil & Gas Journal’s Newsletter on November 2, 2023, they had an article called, “Navigator cancels US Midwest CCUS pipeline project”?  The article speaks about Navigator CO2 Ventures scrapped its 1,300-mile Heartland Greenway carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) pipeline project, due to regulatory problems in South Dakota and Iowa, and canceled its application in Illinois.  The Heartland Greenway pipeline was being developed to gather emissions from more than thirty Midwest ethanol plants in Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota which would then be converted into liquid CO2 and moved by pipeline to be stored underground in Illinois.   The Heartland Greenway pipeline was anticipated to move about 15-million tonnes/year (tpy) of CO2, but as of October the project has been canceled.  It appears CCUS pipelines are going to have an uphill battle!  If you would like to read more of the article from the Oil and Journal, please click the link: Navigator cancels US Midwest CCUS pipeline project | Oil & Gas Journal (

If you would like help in looking into how to transport your product and help reduce your carbon-foot print, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC's website!

We hope you have a wonderful evening!