Thursday, June 22, 2023

Port of Corpus Christi is at 90% capacity of crude pipeline exports according to a report!

Happy Thursday!

Did anyone read the ILTA’s News Plus newsletter from today?  They had an article listed from the Midland Reporter-Telegram (MRT) titled, “Report finds oil pipes to Corpus are filling up.”  In the article, it speaks about the East Daley Analytics report’s findings that the Port of Corpus Christi is at about 90% total pipeline capacity in exporting crude oil out of the Permian Basin which is their threshold or maximum in March 2023.   The reasons the Port of Corpus Christi is so popular with crude exporters is it less busy than the Houston Ship Channel, it can load larger vessels, and it has untainted Permian or Eagle Ford crude.  Port of Corpus Christi like many of the Texas Gulf ports is dredging to handle even larger vessels, and there are a couple proposed new crude pipelines in the works.  This popularity for the time being is good news to Houston, Beaumont-Port Arthur, and Louisiana because it means people need to turn to their ports to get their crude to the international markets.  If you would like to read more of the article from the Midland Reporter-Telegram, please click the link: East Daley Analytics finds oil pipes from Permian to Corpus fill up (

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We hope you have a great and productive rest your week!  Keep cool in this heat wave!

**Disclaimer: There may be a fee associated to view the article from the Midland Reporter-Telegram. **