Tuesday, April 4, 2023

WTI-Midland added to the Brent Benchmark!

Hello for two for Tuesday! 

Well did anyone read The Houston Chronicle or see the reprint on MSN today, April 4, 2023 called,” Change in Brent puts Texas at the center of global energy.”   The article is about the global benchmark for crude oil bringing a new player to the world table WTI-Midland.   Brent is adding a player to its North Sea group because it is declining in production and WTI-Midland has been a good producer.  What makes Brent special is it is it’s a low-density, low-sulfur grade of crude oil which WTI-Midland fits right in.  This isn’t the first time Brent has added players to the Brent basket.  They added Ekofisk in 2007 and Troll in 2018.  WTI-Midland moves Houston and Texas to the world stage and makes us a major player in global energy for years to come.  If you would like to read more, check out the article in The Houston Chronicle.

If you would like to read the article from The Houston Chronicle on MSN for free, please click the link: Change in Brent puts Texas at the center of global energy (msn.com)

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!


We would like to say, “Go Houston Astros!” 

Let’s all wish the Houston Astros the best of luck and go kick **** tonight against the Detroit Tigers!

If you would like to see the Houston Astros schedule, please click the link: Houston Astros Schedule |Houston Astros (mlb.com)

We hope you have a great and productive day!