Friday, April 28, 2023

US EIA Weekly and Monthly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids, Natural Gas, and Biofuel Capacity are available now! Nigeria Energy Analysis was released!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending April 28, 2023 are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened this Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA).
See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
We would like to note there is no Heating Oil and Propane Update until October 2023
See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
See what else happened this week in Natural Gas Storage Report by clicking the link: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report - EIA.

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Monthly Reports for Natural Gas, Petroleum Supply, and Biofuel Capacity were released for the week ending April 28, 2023 on the EIA website. 

See what happened in Natural Gas Monthly, please check it out: Natural Gas Monthly (NGM) -Energy Information Administration - April 2023 With Data for February 2023(
See what happened in the Petroleum Supply Monthly, check it out by clicking the link: Petroleum Supply Monthly -Energy Information Administration (
EIA’s Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update was published, so check it out: Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

The US EIA Energy Information Administration (EIA) published its Country Analysis for: 

Nigeria this week, please check it out: International- U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Have a relaxing and fun weekend! 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

EIA's Monthly Energy Review has been released!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their Monthly Energy Review on April 25, 2023 are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened this month in the Monthly Energy Review by clicking the link: Total Energy Monthly Data - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

The EIA posted today (4/27/23) that US natural gas production is expected to increase by 15% and LNG exports are expected to increase 152% between 2022 and 2050 according to AEO2023.  If you would like to read more, please click the link: U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

DOE and private sector working together to support hydrogen and the Zero-Emission Freight Corridor projects!

Happy Hump Day aka Wednesday!  The week is on the down-slope to the weekend!  

 Did anyone read the newsletter article from Tank News International called, “Air Liquide to support US Department of Energy’s Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Initiative”?  The article was about the designing and implementing of the Hydrogen Corridor Projects which is the infrastructure needed to advance the use of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles especially when it comes to commercial medium and heavy-duty vehicles.  One of these projects is GTI Energy’s Houston to Los Angeles corridor (H2LA) which goes along I-10 from Houston to LA.  The other is CALSTART’s East Coast Commercial ZEV corridor which mostly goes along I-95 from New Jersey to Georgia, but recently Virginia joined and some of I-81 will be part of the project.  Both of these projects are supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and Liquide Air.  These two projects will go hand in hand with the DOE’s hydrogen hubs plan in helping the US get to net-zero by 2050.  The article goes on to say, when the private sector and the government work together good things happen.  If you would like to read more in depth about the corridors and the plan from Tank News International, please click the link: Air Liquide to support US Department of Energy’s Zero-Emission Freight Corridor initiative | Tank News International.

 If you would like to read more about Virginia Clean Cities News, please click the link:

 If you would like to discuss a project idea you have, contact us.   We will help you decide, if it’s feasible and help with designing and implementing a plan.  Contact us by clicking the link in the Blog or going to our website.  We look forward to helping you!

 We hope you have a great night and rest of your week!

*Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in Tank News International.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The hydrogen race is on, and who will the winners be.

Happy Tuesday!

Did anyone read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on Saturday, April 22, 2023 when they reprinted CQ-Roll Call’s article called, “Hydrogen energy gets ready for its close-up – Federal Officials are reviewing ‘hubs’ with $8 billion from the infrastructure law”?  The article is about everyone trying to get in on the $9.5 billion available through various legislation and tax credits.  The hydrogen boom is either going to extend our dependence on fossil fuels or it will help us clean up our planet.  The Energy Department is in charge of $8 billion, and they are looking for six to ten hydrogen hubs throughout the country.  Earlier this month the window closed on proposals for the hubs, they had received 79 proposals, and are expected to make a decision later this year.  The Port of Corpus Christi was one of the proposals submitted as well as a hub for the Houston area. 

The IRS is making the rules for the tax credits which will expire 2032 for making green hydrogen as opposed the blue hydrogen which is the most common form now.   The two ways to make hydrogen is to use electrolysis to break apart water (Green Hydrogen) or to split natural gas by high heat into carbon dioxide and hydrogen (Blue Hydrogen). 

There are still limited uses for hydrogen.  At this time, EV batteries outsell hydrogen fuel cell batteries.  There are more electric battery charging stations (61,487) than hydrogen fueling stations (62).   Hydrogen is used by fertilizer companies to make ammonia and petroleum refineries use it too.  

The hydrogen hubs are a way to show, if it can help cut emissions and clean up the air.  As groups around the country submitted proposals as to why they should get money for their ideas.  Lawmakers around the country are trying to press the Department of Energy to pick their local hubs to get the federal money.

Hydrogen could be good for the economics of an area because it is expected to bring good paying jobs to the areas.  With more hydrogen made, more pipelines will have to be designed and built because we only have 1,600 miles.  The drawback is, if the hydrogen leaks it would have a major impact on the environment.   As they say big dreams take big risks, so hopefully all this effort going into hydrogen will pay off, and it will help clean up the environment.  If you would like to read the article from CQ-Roll Call, please click the link: Hydrogen energy gets ready for its close-up as US funds flow - Roll Call

If you would like to read about the proposed hydrogen hub, please click the link for the Port of Corpus Christi or check out our previous Blog on the topic: Port of Corpus Christi Horizons Clean Hydrogen Hub and Trans Permian H2Hub Merge to Create Integrated Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub Proposal « Port of Corpus Christi(

If you would like to read about the Houston area hub, please click the link to check out The Houston Chronicle: Houston hydrogen hub projects advance in race for $7B in DOE funds(

Don’t forget to check out our ESC’s website or contact us via the email in the blog, if you have a project you would like to see get off the ground!

We hope you have a great night and week!

*Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in CQ-Roll Call and the article in The Houston Chronicle.

Monday, April 24, 2023

NextDecade's Rio Grande LNG and Glenfarne Energy Transition's Texas LNG receive approval from FERC!

Welcome back to a great new week!  Happy Monday!

Did anyone read The Houston Chronicle’s Business Section on Friday, April 21, 2023 called, “FERC greenlights two LNG projects – Both proposals have faced fierce opposition from environmental groups in South Texas”?  The article is about how the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved certificates for two Houston based companies multibillion dollar liquefied natural gas facilities in the Brownsville – Port Isabel area.  At the FERC normal monthly meeting, the commissioners gave approval for the projects after a lengthy debate with compromises made.  NextDecade was given approval of its Rio Grande LNG project which will be off Texas 48 on 984-acres on a deep-water channel in South Texas. This project will combine emissions reducing carbon capture and storage, conscientiously sourced gas, and they will use net-zero electric, and at full capacity will produce 27 million metric tonnes of low carbon intensive LNG.  The other project from Glenfarne Energy Transition is developing Texas LNG a facility on the Northshore of Port of Brownsville on 625-acres on a deep-water channel which is expected to produce 194.8 Bcf/y at full capacity.  Texas LNG will super-cool natural gas and the facility will reduce most carbon dioxide emissions by using electric motors which will run on renewable power.  Both projects had environmental groups and naturalists in the area up in arms, but FERC gave their approval, and many area businesses are looking forward to the good jobs and improved economic future the area will now have.   FERC is requiring the projects leaders to make sure during construction and operation of the facilities that they do not cause any significant impacts on air quality with good air quality monitoring and good emergency response communication for the area.  If you would like to read the article, please check out The Houston Chronicle.

If you would like to read the article from The Houston Chronicle, please click the link: Houston-owned Rio Grande LNG, Texas LNG get FERC ok (

If you would like to read more about NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG and its lower carbon intensive LNG; please click the link: Rio Grande LNG - NextDecade(

If you would like to read more about Glenfarne Energy Transition’s Texas LNG, please click the link: News, Announcements & Conferences (

Don’t forget to check out our ESC’s website or contact us via the email in the blog, if you have a project you would like to see get off the ground!

We hope you have a great night and week!

*Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in The Houston Chronicle.

Friday, April 21, 2023

US EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas and Etc. are available now!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending April 21, 2023 are all now available from the EIA website. 

One of the highlights is the EIA is forecasting summer gas will be lower this year than 2022 and will average $3.50 a gallon for regular-grade gasoline in the U.S., so check it out for yourself.  This is in the April Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) this was announced in their Energy Today newsletter on April 19, 2023. Please click the link to check out STEO: Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

See what happened this Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

We would like to note there is no Heating Oil and Propane Update until October 2023. 

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

It looks like in February the Haynesville shale area had a record high production month.  See what else happened this week in Natural Gas by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update (

There was an update to the Monthly Drilling Productivity Report, check it out by clicking the link: Drilling Productivity Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

EIA’s Today in Energy for 4/20/23:  they announced in Mexico petroleum production has stabilized, please check it out: U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis

EIA’s Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report was published, so check it out: U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis

EIA published the South Korea Analysis this week first time in a couple years, please check it out: International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Have a relaxing and fun weekend!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Was the boom for Clean Energy a cause for a bipartisan group to get going on permitting reform?

Happy Thursday!  

Did anyone read The Houston Chronicle on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 called, “Coalition closing in on deal to overhaul permits”?  The article is about how moderate Republicans and Democrats are working together to give the federal permitting process a makeover to speed up the process for infrastructure projects like power transmission lines, natural gas pipelines, and broadband networks.  This bipartisan group say in the coming months ahead they will be holding hearings to help them make the federal permitting process faster, but still following the National Environmental Policy Act which was enacted in the 70s.  The latest infrastructure project 700-mile Trans West power line has taken 18 years to go through the permitting process.   With the current demand for energy this isn’t an acceptable amount of time. Countries like Canada and Australia have a review process that is much faster and still protects communities and the environment.  Even though the bipartisan groups for the Senate and Congress want to speed up the process will they have the votes to push it through which has proven to be a monumental feat in the past.  We wish them luck on finding the common ground!  If you would like to read the article, please check out The Houston Chronicle

If you would like to read the article from The Houston Chronicle, please click the link: Republicans,Democrats report progress on permitting reform (

Don’t forget to check out our ESC's website or contact us via the email in the blog, if you have a project you would like to see get off the ground! 

We hope you have a great night!

*Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in The Houston Chronicle.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Chevron makes renewable gasoline?


Happy Wednesday! We have made it halfway through the week! 

Has anyone read the Business Section of The Houston Chronicle on Tuesday they have a reprint of an article published by Bloomberg and the article called “Chevron touts ‘renewable gasoline’ as an alternative to electric vehicles” The article talks about a renewable gasoline blend that Chevron has been working on, and they say it has emissions about the same as EV vehicles.  The bio-gasoline uses things like used cooking oil and other fats and oils like biodiesel does now.   Chevron is going to drive three Toyotas across the Gulf Coast states: Mississippi, Louisiana, and end in Texas to demonstrate its emissions.  They say it is costly to make, so incentives are needed to get it mass produced.  The timing of this possible alternative couldn’t have been better with the new requirements the Biden administration has put in place. Wouldn’t this be great clean emissions and capable to drive long distances like current vehicles and use the current gas stations to get it?  If you would like to check it out, please click the link: Chevron Touts Renewable Gasoline as Alternative to Electric Cars - Bloomberg.

If you would like to learn about Chevron’s News Release about the Gulf Coast Road Trip, please click here: Chevron road trip demonstrates renewable gasoline blend — Chevron.

If you would like to check out The Houston Chronicles’ Business Section, please click the link: Business and Energy News | - Houston Chronicle.

If you need help with planning your next hydrocarbon or bio-fuel liquid project, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

Have a good rest of your day and take a deep breath the week is on the downslope.

*Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in The Houston Chronicle, and it is also available on Bloomberg for a fee.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Learnings from the "Leaders in Industry" Speakers' Series Monthly Luncheon on Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Happy Tuesday!  We hope you stayed dry during the rain this morning!

I went to the “Leaders in Industry” speakers’ series luncheon today which is the combination of Houston Producers Forum (HPF), Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), and Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO) which is held at The Petroleum Club of Houston.  The speaker was Alan Smith – Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rockcliff Energy, LLC.   He gave an interesting talk about the direction natural gas and the future of energies.  He used data from US Energy Information Administration (EIA), and their projected future for Oil & Gas is to increase demand especially in Asia.  Mr. Smith made a point to mention “energy transition” should be called “energy addition” because it’s going to take all forms of energy including renewables to energize the future for the additional two billion people we are expecting by 2050.  In the talk, it was mentioned we need to invest in energy, and getting it the people to keep modern society moving forward possibly by incentives to build infrastructure like pipelines, transmission lines, and storage, and making permits more attainable.  It was a very nice talk, and we hope to see you next time!  If you want to learn something, check out the next luncheon for HPF, please click the link: Oil & Gas Luncheons & Events | Houston Producers Forum.

If you would like to learn about IPAA, please click the link: Independent Petroleum Association of America | Leaders in Industry Luncheon (

If you would like to learn about the TIPRO, click the link: Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Association (

If you would like to read more from the EIA and their insights of the future, please click the link: Homepage- U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

If you need help with planning your next project and getting your product to your customers or storing it, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

Have a good day!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Houston Producers Forum Monthly Luncheon - Houston - April 18th

Welcome back to a new week! We hope it was a restful weekend, and you are ready for a new week to begin!

We hope to see you at the Houston Producers Forum Monthly Luncheon at The Petroleum Club of Houston on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.  It should be an interesting talk given by Alan Smith – Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rockcliff Energy, LLC.   If you would like more details, please click the link: ALANSMITH - Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rockcliff Energy,LLC | HPF (

If you need help with planning your next project, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a great and productive week!  Have a great and relaxing evening!

Friday, April 14, 2023

US EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all available now!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week ending April 14, 2023 are all now available from the EIA website. 

One of the highlights is the EIA is forecasting summer gas will be lower this year than 2022 and will average $3.79 a gallon in the U.S., so check it out for yourself.

See what happened this Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: Weekly Petroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

We would like to note there is no Heating Oil and Propane Update until October 2023. 

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update- U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

See what happened this week in Natural Gas by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update(

EIA’s Today in Energy for 4/13/23:  they announced in U.S. electricity capacity mix that renewables are shifting passed fossil fuels according to AEO2023, please check it out: U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis.

Have a relaxing and fun weekend!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Learnings from the GHPB's Commerce Club Luncheon on Thursday, April 13, 2023

Happy Thursday!

I went to the Greater Houston Port Bureau (GHPB) Commerce Club Luncheon at the Houston Marriot South at Hobby Airport.  The speaker was Matt Fleming, Vice President of Business Development, TGS (Trans-Global Solutions, Inc.)  Cedar Port Industrial Park.  TGS Cedar Port Industrial Park is the largest master-planned rail-served industrial park in North America.  Mr. Fleming spoke on this topic back in 2017 and his talk was about what Cedar Port Industrial Park plans, and today it was about where they have been, and where they are going.    Back in 2017 they looked into the markets and polyethylene/ethylene were growing, so they invested heavily in rail.  Now Houston is the center of the market between the 18 ethylene crackers from Freeport to Lake Charles, and the market is bigger than they expected.  They invested in rail, and now they are a Class 3 rail facility, and have 100 miles of rail, and a rail cleaning area.  They are in the process of procuring barges at this time through a grant due to Cedar Bayou being dredged to over 12-feet.  He also spoke about the large warehouses and their tenants.  He said the park is about 67% developed, and they have more acres to develop.   TGS is also in talks about developing carbon capture projects on their land with several companies.  He touched on new energies and their possible plans for hydrogen and lithium batteries. His talk had a bit of it all.  If you would like to know more about TGS Cedar Port Industrial Park, please click the link:  Home | Cedar Port Industrial Park (

If you need help with planning your next project, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

We are looking forward to the next GHPB’s Commerce Club Luncheon, which is on Thursday, May 18, 2023, and its Captain Bill Diehl’s Retirement Celebration.  We hope to see you there.

Have a great and relaxing evening!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Tall Ships Galveston Festival and Ship Parade starting tomorrow!


Happy Wednesday aka Hump Day!

Go to Galveston tomorrow and check out the Ship Parade, and the start of Tall Ships Galveston Festival.  On April 13, 2023, five tall ships will be joining Galveston’s own 1877 Tall Ship Elissa for a seaside Parade of Sails.  Then, the days following will have a three-day dockside festival and celebration, and it will be ending on Sunday, April 16, 2023.  If you would like more details from 365 Houston, please click the link: Tall Ships Galveston Festival 2023 - 365 Houston (

If you need help with planning your next project, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

I hope to see you tomorrow at the Greater Houston Port Bureau’s Commerce Club Luncheon. .  If you would like more details, please click the link: April 2023 Commerce Club Luncheon - Greater Houston Port Bureau (

We hope the rest of your week is smooth sailing.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

US EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook has been released.


The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) just released its Short-Term Energy Outlook today, April 11, 2023 it is now available from the EIA website. 

EIA expected a slight increase in oil prices following the OPEC+ announcement of production cuts, and crude prices increased slightly after the announcement last week.

Please click the link: Short-Term Energy Outlook -U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Commerce Club Luncheon - Houston - April 13

Happy Tuesday!

Well, I hope to see you at the Greater Houston Port Bureau Commerce Club Luncheon at the Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport on this Thursday, April 13, 2023.  It should be an interesting talk from Matt Fleming, VP Business Development, TGS Cedar Port Industrial Park.  If you would like more details, please click the link: April2023 Commerce Club Luncheon - Greater Houston Port Bureau (

If you need help with planning your next project, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a great and productive week!

Monday, April 10, 2023

EPA's 'Good Neighbor' Policy is it a go, or is it? GOP has doubts!

Welcome back for a new week!  Happy Monday!

Well did anyone read The Houston Chronicle or see the reprint on MSN Saturday, April 8, 2023 called,” GOP questions EPA ‘good neighbor’ rule.”   The article is about the EPA’s new rule called the ‘good neighbor’ policy which was published on March 15, 2023 and the doubts of the GOP.   The new policy which is going to help downwind states reach air quality standards by having power plants and industrial areas use emission reducing technologies in adjacent states.  Starting in May 22 states, including Texas will be required to participate in a changed cap-and-trade program where the EPA will set emission budgets that will reduce over time.  The current GOPs and other groups have doubts about the current policy, and many court challenges are expected before then, but earlier in March the agency won in court over the a cross-state air pollution rule from 2021.   The Clean Air Act tells the states to make a state implementation plans (SIP) to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and if the EPA doesn’t approve of their SIP which as of February 13th 21 states did not.  The ‘Good Neighbor’ policy will apply to them.  Several states have already filed their legal challenges, including Texas of the disapproval of their SIP.  We will see how this battle plays out.  If you would like to read more, check out the article in The Houston Chronicle or MSN.

If you would like to read the article from The Houston Chronicle on MSN for free, please click the link: Republicans question EPA ‘good neighbor’ rule (

How may we help you reduce your emissions?  If you need help, contact us via the email in the blog and check out our ESC website!


We would like to say, “Go Houston Astros!” 

Let’s all wish the Houston Astros the best of luck and go kick **** tonight against the Pittsburgh Pirates!

If you would like to see the Houston Astros schedule, please click the link: Houston Astros Schedule |Houston Astros (

We hope you have a great and productive week!

Friday, April 7, 2023

'Cost of Carbon' Policy gets a win!

Happy Friday! 

Did anyone read The Houston Chronicle’s reprint of an Associated Press article on Thursday, April 6, 2023 called, “Challenge to ‘Cost of Carbon’ policy dismissed.”  The article was about how ten Republican lead states including Texas sued the Biden Administration over how they calculate damages from greenhouse gasses.  The 5th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans in a unanimous decision dismissed the case.  This win for the Biden Administration allows them to continue to use the $51 a ton of carbon dioxide emissions to help make environmental rules.  The ‘Cost of Carbon’ rule hasn’t been updated since 2016 and is up for updating by the administration.  The article goes on to say the amount is grossly under what it should be today. 

If you would like to read the article, please click the link: Challenge to Biden 'Cost of Carbon' policy dismissed | AP News

If you haven’t updated your design for emissions or vapor recovery, gives us a call or click the link to visit our website.

Have a Happy Easter and great weekend!

US EIA Weekly Updates for Petroleum & Other Liquids and Natural Gas are all available now!

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Weekly Reports for Petroleum and Other Liquids, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, and Natural Gas for the week of April 5, 2023 are all now available from the EIA website. 

See what happened this Week in Petroleum by clicking the link: This Week in Petroleum - U.S.Energy Information Administration (EIA)

See what happened in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report by clicking the link: WeeklyPetroleum Status Report - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

We would like to note there is no Heating Oil and Propane Update until October 2023. 

See what happened this week in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, by clicking the link: Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update- U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

See what happened this week in Natural Gas by clicking the link: Natural Gas Weekly Update(

Happy Easter!  Have a relaxing and fun weekend!

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Permian Basin -Is it going to be the future of New Energies? New Laboratory coming to town to figure that out!

Happy Thursday! 

Did anyone read The Houston Chronicle on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 called,” Mitchell Foundation looks to the future – Initiative aims to deliver a new clean energy era to Permian Basin.”   The article is about how the Mitchells’ Foundation is launching a new enterprise called Permian Energy Development Laboratory (PEDL) it will bring together seven universities from Texas (3 University of Texas branches, Midland College and Odessa College) and from New Mexico (New Mexico State and New Mexico Tech), two national laboratories (U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Sandia National Laboratories), and Houston Advanced Research Center.  They are going to look into the “what’s next?” for the Permian Basin in regard to cleaner energies and its future workforce.  They have already decided to look into hydrogen and if it can be clean energy and if you can use the existing energies to make it cleaner, and large-scale projects like solar.  Well, this is good news to the Permian Basin and its future as a leader in energies because it was just added to the Brent benchmark last week and it appears it will have a future beyond oil and gas.  If you would like to read the article, check out The Houston Chronicle or the announcement from the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation.

If you would like to read the article from The Houston Chronicle, please click the link: Mitchell Foundation aims to deliver new energy future to the Permian(

If you would like to read the announcement Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation about the Permian Energy Development Lab, please click the link: Launch — Permian Energy Development Lab(

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website, if you have a project you would like to see if it is feasible!

We hope you have a great night!

Study Results: Safety - Is it still lacking on deepwater oil rigs?

 Hello and Happy Hump Day aka Wednesday! 

Well did anyone read The Houston Chronicle or Yahoo!News today, April 5, 2023 called,” Study: Gulf drilling is safer, but risks linger.”   The article is about how it has been 13 years since Deepwater Horizon the BP oil rig which had an explosion that killed many people and was the worst oil spill in America’s history which dumped 130 million gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. A study was done on the progress made in the Gulf of Mexico for offshore oil and gas since the Deepwater Horizon spill.  The progress which was made is the US government created the US Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) which focuses on safety and required safety and environmental management systems (SEMS), the deepwater wells are capped, and there are better industry and government standards regulating offshore drilling, and more data collection as well as creation of the Center for Offshore Safety.  With all the good things that have been improved or learned along the way since that 2010 disastrous incident the report states there is a long way to go in safety.  While some companies embrace the safety and reward good judgement, when there are potential dangers, others don’t embrace the safety culture!  The study speaks about how the regulators only have authority over the operators not the other workers on the rigs which are the majority of people.  They also speak of the oil spill law which hasn’t been updated.   The industry may have made improvements, but not enough especially when it comes to safety.  If you would like to read the article, check out The Houston Chronicle or Yahoo!News.

If you would like to read the article from The Houston Chronicle or Yahoo!News for free, please click the link: Oil drilling in Gulf safer, but concerns linger, report says (

If you would like to read the news release from National Academies Sciences, Engineering, Medicines, please click the link: Measurement and Management of Systemic Risk in Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil and Gas Operations Have Improved Since Deepwater Horizon Disaster, But Progress Lags in Some Areas | National Academies

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!

We hope you have a great night!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

WTI-Midland added to the Brent Benchmark!

Hello for two for Tuesday! 

Well did anyone read The Houston Chronicle or see the reprint on MSN today, April 4, 2023 called,” Change in Brent puts Texas at the center of global energy.”   The article is about the global benchmark for crude oil bringing a new player to the world table WTI-Midland.   Brent is adding a player to its North Sea group because it is declining in production and WTI-Midland has been a good producer.  What makes Brent special is it is it’s a low-density, low-sulfur grade of crude oil which WTI-Midland fits right in.  This isn’t the first time Brent has added players to the Brent basket.  They added Ekofisk in 2007 and Troll in 2018.  WTI-Midland moves Houston and Texas to the world stage and makes us a major player in global energy for years to come.  If you would like to read more, check out the article in The Houston Chronicle.

If you would like to read the article from The Houston Chronicle on MSN for free, please click the link: Change in Brent puts Texas at the center of global energy (

Don’t forget to check out our ESC website!


We would like to say, “Go Houston Astros!” 

Let’s all wish the Houston Astros the best of luck and go kick **** tonight against the Detroit Tigers!

If you would like to see the Houston Astros schedule, please click the link: Houston Astros Schedule |Houston Astros (

We hope you have a great and productive day!

Monday, April 3, 2023

Will a chicken slow down development in the panhandle and West Texas?

Well, welcome back to a beginning of a new week!  We hope you enjoyed your weekend!

Did anyone read The Houston Chronicle online over the weekend and their article, "How a legal battle over an endangered chicken could reshape the Texas oil industry.”  The current administration of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service moved the Lesser Prairie Chicken to the endangered species list last week.  The reasons are the Lesser Prairie Chickens numbers have decreased to about 32,000, and some its habitats which are protected have not solved the problem for decreasing populations, and they are still losing habitat and are being separated by development.   The Endangered Species title triggers strict guidelines and conservation rules which will affect all new oil and gas projects along five states where the prairie chicken has habitat and lives.  In response to this, several of the same groups who challenged it in 2014 are back at it again.  Currently everyone from the Permian Basin Petroleum Association to the Texas Attorney General, landowners, and ranchers have all filed lawsuits to stop the decision.  The current Texas Parks and Wildlife do not agree with the decision they believe the current voluntary conservation is working, and it may take decades to see real improvement.  Well, we’re going to have to see how this plays out, and if it will curtail new oil and gas development in the panhandle and West Texas. 

If you would like to check out the article in The Houston Chronicle, please click the link:

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We hope you have a great week!

**Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in The Houston Chronicle. *