S&P has started here in Houston at the George R. Brown Convention Center
and Hilton Americas Hotel Downtown. It
started yesterday and goes through Friday, March 10, 2023. We are expecting visitors from over all over
the world for the conference, and hydrogen will be a hot topic as well as other
sustainable energies and minerals.
Has anyone
read the Texas Inc. section of The Houston Chronicle on Monday and the article called “Spotlight: CERAWEEK - CRYSTAL BALL-CERAWeek
offers energy insiders, policymakers and observers a ‘window into the future’?” The
Houston Chronicle interviewed Daniel Yergin about what he sees happening in
energy now and in the future, and what roles hydrogen, LNG, and other sustainable energies will
play. If you would like to check it out, please
click the link: CERAWeek:Energy transition, security and the rise of hydrogen (houstonchronicle.com)
If you would like to learn about CERAWeek S&P and its
speakers, please click here: CERAWeek
by S&P Global | The World's Premier Energy Event
Have a great week and enjoy