Monday, February 20, 2023

Port of Corpus Christi and Trans Permian Hydrogen Hubs Becoming a Single Applicant to the DOE.

Happy Presidents’ Day and Monday!

The buzz last week at the Port of Corpus Christi is two Hydrogen Hubs are combining and have applied to the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstration for the DOE Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Program.  The Port of Corpus Christi and Trans Permian have combined their application and the Port is the prime applicant.

In recent years the Port of Corpus Christi has made improvements to the channel, and is now one of the most efficient on the US Gulf Coast.  The Port of Corpus Christi Clean Hydrogen Hub (HCH2) is the prime applicant and it is the commonality in about 24 discrete clean hydrogen production projects in the proposed Hub. The HCH2 Concept Paper which was submitted to the DOE in November 2022, names approximately 30 private sector members who will be involved anywhere from being owners, developers, operators, off takers, and end-users of different aspects to hydrogen projects and its foundation for society and its local community.

Ten Texas Permian Basin Cities were part of the Trans Permian H2Hub which had lined up hydrogen projects within the area and they were planning on doing everything from producing, making hydrogen derivatives from different supplies, transporting as well as manufacturing hydrogen fuel cells, refueling stations, municipal transit and freight transport projects. 

These two combining their efforts makes a solid foundation and capitalizes on using the existing framework and commercialized links between West Texas’ production and the Ports door to international destinations.  If you would like to read the full article, please click the link for the Port of Corpus Christi: Portof Corpus Christi Horizons Clean Hydrogen Hub and Trans Permian H2Hub Merge toCreate Integrated Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub Proposal « Port of Corpus Christi(

Isn’t it great to see such team work and vision in trying to keep Texas a leader in Energy!  All the while embracing the renewable future which will help keep us there and help with our pollution reduction objectives.  Our team of experts in energy can help you too with the change for a better future, too! 

We hope you have a wonderful fun week!