Tuesday, February 28, 2023

It's Houston Rodeo Time!

Here at ESC.  We want to say, “It’s Rodeo time!  The start of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo starts TODAY at NRG Park.  We thank all the volunteers who make it possible!  We hope it is a successful year for all of those involved.” 

If you would like to know more about this Houston tradition and visit the show and carnival, please click the link to the Visitor’s Guide: www.rodeohouston.com/Visit-the-Rodeo/Visitors-Guide

If you would like to volunteer, please click here: www.rodeohouston.com/Get-Involved/Volunteer

Monday, February 27, 2023

Sustainable Aviation Fuel getting a Major Investment!

Happy Monday!

Have you read in The New York Times about the increased interest to make sustainable aviation fuel aka bio-jet fuel?  Sustainable aviation fuel right now is made from used cooking oil and agricultural waste. The big plus about it is that it makes 80 percent less pollution, then current jet fuel.  The current aviation fuel is expensive and only two companies in the United States make the fuel the airlines use right now.  The Inflation Reduction Act has tax credits to help develop and bring aviation fuel into mainstream as well as other bio-fuels.  Boeing, United Airlines, and others have decided to invest $100 million which will be put into a venture capital fund for sustainable aviation fuel technology.   The Inflation Reduction Act as well as a few other laws have encourage all involved to get on the ball especially in light 2050 is the goal for reduction of emissions by 60 percent.  The industry currently uses almost no sustainable aviation fuel.*  If you would like to read The New Your Times full article, please click the link: www.nytimes.com/2023/02/21/climate/united-sustainable-aviation-fuel.html

We hope you have a wonderful week! 

**Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in The New York Times or you may have to join the organizations website. *

BP Statistical Review of World Energy

The BP Statistical Review of World Energy for 2022 is out! You can take a look at the Review, and download data, at www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Proposed Gulf of Mexico Wind Lease Sale

US Department of the Interior Press Release February 22, 2023: Interior Department Proposes First-Ever Offshore Wind Sale in Gulf of Mexico

Yes, ESC closely follows renewable, unconventional and clean energy topics. In this case, we are interested in seeing whether or not the DOI proceeds with a proposed wind lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico. After years of watching oil and gas lease sales in the gulf, we are anxious to see how a wind lease sale process compares to the oil and gas sale process. It will also be interesting to see the level of interest in GOM wind farming, as well as the level of participation in a sale.

The link to the DOI press release is: https://doi.gov/pressreleases/interior-department-proposes-first-ever-offshore-wind-sale-gulf-mexico

Friday, February 24, 2023

BP and CarbonFree - A different vision for carbon emissions and carbon capture!

Happy Friday!

You know they say fact is stranger than fiction, but we read something we thought was strange in today’s Business Section of the Houston Chronicle.  We read about taking carbon dioxide and turning it into a calcium carbonate which is used in plastics and paper.  BP announced they will be working with San Antonio’s CarbonFree in crafting projects which will use CarbonFree’s SkyCycle technology to help the world’s industrial complex reduce their byproduct, carbon dioxide, which will help the world get to net zero. *  CarbonFree is hoping they can capture 10% of the world’s industrial carbon emissions.  Wow!  We wish them luck!  If you would like to read the Houston Chronicles’ full article, please click the link: S.A.company inks deal with BP to turn carbon into cash (houstonchronicle.com)

If you would like to read it from CarbonFree (Which is free!), please click the link:  CarbonFree and bp Collaborate to Help Bring Carbon Capture & Utilization Technology to Industrial Sites Around the World - CarbonFree

We hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

**Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in the Houston Chronicle. * 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

EIA Total Monthly Energy Review

The February 2023 US Energy Information Administration Total Monthly Energy Review is now available.  See what the EIA thinks happened with energy this month at Total Energy Monthly Data- U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

EPA and Carbon Capture will it make us not reach our 2030 goals.

Happy Margarita Day!

Has anyone read the Houston Chronicle Fuel Fix Newsletter this morning?  It mentions an article about the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Carbon Capture project delays.  The article, “EPA scrutinized over carbon storage backlog*,” talks about how the EPA is backlogged, and one of the only approved projects took six years to get permit approval for its carbon capture project.  The EPA’s budget for Carbon Capture permitting staff was increased to seventy-five million dollars, and they gave state environmental agencies the right to review their own state projects, and still not much action is happening.  Right now only two states, North Dakota and Wyoming, have authority to approve projects in their state from the EPA.  Four other states which Texas is one have applied to get approval from the EPA, but it hasn’t been granted approval at this time.   With all the monies approved from Congress in the Inflation Reduction Act, and 30 projects on-hold waiting for approval the EPA might be the weak link in getting us to reach the climate goal of 50% or more below 2005 levels by 2030*.  If you would like to read the Houston Chronicles’ full article, please click the link: EPAunder scrutiny over carbon storage backlog (houstonchronicle.com).

If you would like to read more about our climate goals from National Geographic’s article, please click the link:  Bidenwants to cut U.S. climate pollution in half—here’s how (nationalgeographic.com)

Our team of experts have experience in underground storage, so if you too would like to get a project going, we’re here to help!

We hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and Margarita Day! 

**Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in the Houston Chronicle and/or you may have to join the organizations website. *

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

PHMSA Pipeline Safety and Remotely Controlled Shut-off Valves.

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Can you believe the US Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced their new rule called, “Pipeline Safety: Requirement of Valve Installation and Minimum Rupture Detection Standards (§87 FR 20940)” almost a year ago?  I sure can’t.  The rule is to install remotely controlled or automatic shut-off valves, or alternative equivalent technologies and it applies to all new or replaced onshore pipelines six-inch diameter or bigger.   The new rule is to help improve pipeline safety, reduce methane emissions, and protect the general population for when incidents occur.  PHMSA also added the requirement to contact 9-1-1 emergency call centers immediately upon notification of a possible rupture and to conduct post-rupture probe and evaluation as a well as a few other things.  If you would like to read the PHMSA’s full rule with all its details, please click the link for the Federal Register: FederalRegister: Pipeline Safety: Valve Installation and Minimum Rupture DetectionStandards.

If you would like to read original announcement of the PHSMA, please click the following link: PHMSA Announces Requirements for Pipeline Shut-off Valves to Strengthen Safety, Improve Response Efforts and Reduce Emissions | PHMSA (dot.gov).

Isn’t it nice to see the PHMSA making a rule which is good engineering practices and common sense!  Especially in light of all the pipeline and tank farm incidents in the past couple years, if they had remotely controlled automatic valves the spills and fires may not have occurred or at least not have been so disastrous.  Makes me wonder what kind of valves they had!  Our team of experts will be able to help you get the remote operated shut-off valve designed into your current pipelines and even help you navigate the procurement and construction of the updated design. 

We hope you have a wonderful and fun start of Mardi Gras!  

Monday, February 20, 2023

Port of Corpus Christi and Trans Permian Hydrogen Hubs Becoming a Single Applicant to the DOE.

Happy Presidents’ Day and Monday!

The buzz last week at the Port of Corpus Christi is two Hydrogen Hubs are combining and have applied to the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstration for the DOE Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Program.  The Port of Corpus Christi and Trans Permian have combined their application and the Port is the prime applicant.

In recent years the Port of Corpus Christi has made improvements to the channel, and is now one of the most efficient on the US Gulf Coast.  The Port of Corpus Christi Clean Hydrogen Hub (HCH2) is the prime applicant and it is the commonality in about 24 discrete clean hydrogen production projects in the proposed Hub. The HCH2 Concept Paper which was submitted to the DOE in November 2022, names approximately 30 private sector members who will be involved anywhere from being owners, developers, operators, off takers, and end-users of different aspects to hydrogen projects and its foundation for society and its local community.

Ten Texas Permian Basin Cities were part of the Trans Permian H2Hub which had lined up hydrogen projects within the area and they were planning on doing everything from producing, making hydrogen derivatives from different supplies, transporting as well as manufacturing hydrogen fuel cells, refueling stations, municipal transit and freight transport projects. 

These two combining their efforts makes a solid foundation and capitalizes on using the existing framework and commercialized links between West Texas’ production and the Ports door to international destinations.  If you would like to read the full article, please click the link for the Port of Corpus Christi: Portof Corpus Christi Horizons Clean Hydrogen Hub and Trans Permian H2Hub Merge toCreate Integrated Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub Proposal « Port of Corpus Christi(portofcc.com).

Isn’t it great to see such team work and vision in trying to keep Texas a leader in Energy!  All the while embracing the renewable future which will help keep us there and help with our pollution reduction objectives.  Our team of experts in energy can help you too with the change for a better future, too! 

We hope you have a wonderful fun week! 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Ike Dike and The Greater Houston Port Bureau's Study

We hope you all are enjoying your day!

Have you heard about the study The Greater Houston Port Bureau sponsored regarding the navigational impacts of the Bolivar Roads Gate Complex aka "Texas Coastal Protection and Restoration” project aka "Ike Dike” project proposed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”)?  Their study called, "Ship Simulation Transit Scenario Modeling & Ship Pilot Study” findings were presented by the local Pilot Associations from Houston and Galveston at the meeting of the Gulf Coast Protection District (“GCPD”) last week.  The study found the gates do not accommodate the large ships which the current Project 11 is dredging the Houston Ship Channel to accommodate.  In case you haven’t heard of Project 11, it is the current project underway which is making improvements to the Houston Ship Channel, and it just completed Section 1A.  Upon the completion of Project 11 the large ships will be allowed to enter the waterway and be more navigable.  USACE said they will take into consideration the study’s findings in their design of the gates.   USACE has already made one adjustment to the gates by making two gates instead of one, so we believe they will do what is right for the waterway.  If you would like to read the article for yourself, please click the link to Greater Houston Port Bureau at ProposedHouston Ship Channel Gate Complex - Greater Houston Port Bureau (txgulf.org). 

Well, isn’t this wonderful news the “Ike Dike” project is becoming reality!  With it and Project 11 underway it is time to start looking at where and what depth pipelines are crossing the Houston Ship Channel.  If you haven’t started looking into your pipelines, we will be happy to assist you in locating and helping you get them lowered.  Our team consisting of engineers and project managers will assist you with your project from start to finish in a safe and efficient manner.

We hope you have a wonderful fun weekend! 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

US EIA Petroleum & Natural Gas Weekly

The US Energy Information Administration weekly reports on petroleum and natural gas for the week of February 12, 2023 are now available from the EIA website (see links below).

https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/weekly/ and https://www.eia.gov/naturalgas/weekly/

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

2nd Chances for a Carbon Capture Plant in Richmond, Texas

💕 Happy Valentine’s Day!  💕

We hope you all are enjoying your Valentine’s Day! 💖

Did you catch the article called, “Carbon Capture Plant’s Revival Offers Opportunity for Redemption*” in the Texas Inc. Houston section of the Houston Chronicle on February 13, 2023?  It is about a local carbon capture plant in Richmond, Texas who is having a comeback and getting a second chance at life.  After a few upgrades on the plant which are expected to be completed in June 2023, the plant will restart.  This plant is expected to ship the carbon it captures to an energy company’s oil field, and they will be using it for a process called enhanced oil recovery. Enhanced oil recovery is a process where carbon dioxide is injected into an oil well and it squeezes out the oil and is then stored in reservoirs deep underground.  The interesting things scientists and engineers dream up to do! 

We hope you have a fun and a day full of sweets!  

*Disclaimer – please note there may be a fee involved to see this article in the Houston Chronicle, and it is also available on Bloomberg for a fee.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Project 11 - Segment 1A Completed!

💖 Happy Galentine’s (Pal-entine’s) Day!  ðŸ’–

We hope you enjoyed “Super Bowl LVII” with the Kansas City Chiefs (38) victory over the Philadelphia Eagles (35).  It definitely was entertaining to watch.

Now for some Houston area local news.  The Houston Ship Channel Project 11 has finished dredging their first section called Segment 1A, extending from Bolivar Roads to Redfish, which is 11.5 miles in the Bay.  This is wonderful news!  What makes it even better is it was on schedule and on budget.  If you would like to read more, please click the attached link for the Greater Houston Port Bureau.  First Section of Houston Ship Channel Expansion Complete - Greater Houston Port Bureau (txgulf.org)  

We hope you have a fun and sweet day with your friends on Galentine’s (Pal-entine’s) Day!  💖

Friday, February 10, 2023

Learnings from Feb. 9 Commerce Club Luncheon – Houston

Two representatives from ESC attended the February Greater Houston Port Bureau Commerce Club Luncheon. The talk was extremely informative, and lunch was delicious.

The talk which was given by Scott Elmer, Interim Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction, Harris County Flood Control District and it was about the HCFCD’s Investigation of Large-diameter Stormwater Tunnels.   Mr. Elmer informed us of what the Harris County Flood District’s plans for the county in how they will be addressing our current flooding problems, and their analysis from the first two phases of their current feasibility study.   The study identified 8 locations where they will have inlets into the underground tunnel system which most of them will be connect to the Houston Ship Channel where the tunnels will empty.  They are beginning the 3rd phase of the study and it will take around three years to complete.  They are estimating the cost to be 30 billion dollars at the current inflation rate and cost of supplies for approximately 133 miles of tunnels.  Once they have built the 35-foot-tall tunnels they expect their lifespan to be at least 100 years.   Houston and Harris County will be joining other Texas cities like Dallas and San Antonio who have or in the process of completing their underground stormwater tunnels.

We hope you can join us next month at the March Commerce Club Luncheon, but if you miss it, we will try to pass on what we learn! 😊

Thursday, February 9, 2023

The February, 2023 US Energy Information Administration Short Term Energy Outlook is now available. See what the EIA thinks will happen with energy over the next couple of years at www.eia.gov/outlooks/steo/.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Commerce Club Luncheon - Houston - Feb. 9

Energy Specialists Consulting representatives will be attending the February Greater Houston Port Bureau Commerce Club Luncheon at the Houston Marriott South (at Hobby Airport) on Thursday, February 9, 2023.